Shane Burley - Mossad agent? A Trot among Anarchists
by Peter Gerard Myers
Date: March 24, 2024; update October 25, 2024.
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1. What is the difference between Anarchists & Trots?
2. George Galloway comes out against Trots & Liberals
3. Antifa and the masked Zionist thugs who assaulted UCLA protest - are
they the same?
1. What is the difference between Anarchists & Trots?
I have been examining Anarchism, Antifa and the Antifascist movement.
Anarchist Germaine Greer and feminist J. K. Rowling have repeatedly been de-platformed. Those doing the de-platforming are further Left than they are; meaning, they are Trotskyists/Trotskyoids.
I searched Australian universities (Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra) for political clubs. Each had one Trotskyist club that mobilises on campus and mounts street demonstarions; eg Socialist Alternative, Democratic Socialists.
These groups try to deplatform any speaker on campus who promotes an alternative view, e.g. Bettina Arndt. De-platforming began in 1974 at the NUS of the UK. It was initiated by Trotskyists (International Marxist Group (IMG) and International Socialists (IS)). Since then it's spread throughout the West. One result is that Uni students are not exposed to anti-Communist speakers.
Courses also push a Far Left line. I used to buy books at Academic Remainders, and noticed a Left bias; anti-Communist books were not sold at university bookstores. One result is that Left political parties have been brainwashed by the LGBT identity politics pushed by Trots on campus.
Back to university clubs: NOTE : I did not find any Anarchist clubs at universities. So where does Antifa come from? Basically, Antifa is a label, not a group. Anyone who's like-minded can put on a mask, or black clothes, and take part in an event. This includes Trotskyists; I'm sure many do.
Shane Burley purports to be an Anarchist, and has been writing books about Antifascism. He advocates de-platforming Leftists who oppose Zionism, including Gilad Atzmon (ex-Jew), Norman Finkelstein and David Rovics (both Jewish), and Kalle Lasn (convener of Occupy Wall Street) and Alison Weir (of If Americans Knew). What to make of that?
Burley appears to be Jewish, but he has not come out explicitly and said so. He's been published in Haaretz, as a self-proclaimed expert on the anti-Zionists of Left and Right (but he tends to bracket them all as Far Right).
What is his real agenda? Where is he coming from?
Historically, from the time of Proudhon and Bakunin, the difference between Anarchists and Marxists has been that Anarchists oppose the Authoritarian tendencies in Marxism. De-platforming and Cancel Culture are examples of that. So Anarchists oppose them, and Marxists support them.
Burley falls into the Marxist category, and on account of his pro-Zionism, we can narrow it down to the Trotskyist camp. He's not necessarily card-carrying, so the term 'Trotskyoid' is more accurate. But he appears to be a closet Trotskyoid.
His strategy is the old Trotskyist practice of Entrism: penetrating another group in order to influence it. In this case, he's penetrating Anarchist groups. Most have not yet woken up to him, but David Rovics has; he suggests that Burley is a Mossad agent.
Many Trots oppose Israel's genocide in Gaza. However the German Left back Israel, and the French Left appear to be ambivalent. Burley has tried to discredit Gilad Atzmon in such circles.
Britain's Trots are divided into a camp which is somewhat anti-Zionist (e.g. Socialist Workers Party), and a pro-Zionist party, Alliance for Workers Liberty.
In the Gaza war of 2023-4, SWP did speak of Israel's 'genocide' in Gaza (, whereas AWL rejected the word 'genocide' (
Gilad Atzmon is a former Israeli soldier who concluded that WE (the Israelis) are the Nazis and THEY (Palestinians) are the Jews. He also came to believe that there is a Jewish conspiracy to control the West and the Middle East (
SWP invited Gilad Atzmon to speak at a meeting. AWL attacked SWP over the invitation, but SWP partly distanced themselves from Atzmon. Tony Greenstein, a closet Zionist who writes for the Trotskyist paper Weekly Worker <> attacks Atzmon as a Left AntiSemite.
The Weekly Worker website has lots of pro-Trotsky articles. Greenstein is critical of the SWP, in what appears to be Trotskyist factionalism
SWP has no ties to Shane Burley, but AWL does. Its newspaper Solidarity, #414 of17 Nov 2021, published on p. 16 an inset on the book Reviews of Confronting Antisemitism on the Left: Daniel Randall dissects Left antisemitism, which included an Interview with Shane Burley.
Socialist Worker UK has no mention of Burley.
Tony Greenstein plays a similar role in British Trotskyist circles to that played by Shane Burley in American Anarchist circles. They are both Zionists, both preach anti-Fascism, both support de-Platforming, both make much of anti-Semitism, and both campaign against Gilad Atzmon, the truthteller.
2. George Galloway comes out against Trots & Liberals
This is a great interview; it takes about 20 minutes. But it's uplifting; it should give heart to people in Britain and the USA.
Upending the "West's Dictatorship." New MP George Galloway on the Next Era of Politics
March 9, 2024
Glenn Greenwald interviews George Galloway after his recent victory in the U.K. Parliament.
Watch the interview at the above link or at
Galloway comes out against Mass Immigration. He says it leads to 10,000 people outside the factory gate, willing to work for lower wages & conditions than the native workers. Employers use it to replace their workers.
13.00 "only Trotskyites & Liberals support it"
also 15.00: only the Far Left & Liberals support it.
He's also against mandated Pronouns.
3. Antifa and the masked Zionist thugs who assaulted UCLA protest - are they the same?
Ron Unz posed this question, in an article of May 6, 2024, titled Israel/Gaza: The Masks Come Off in American Society.
Unz wrote,
Even worse scenes took place at UCLA as an encampment of peaceful protesters was violently attacked and beaten by a mob of pro-Israel thugs having no university connection but armed with bars, clubs, and fireworks, resulting in some serious injuries. A professor of History <> described her outrage as the nearby police stood aside and did nothing while UCLA students were attacked by outsiders, then arrested some 200 of the former. According to local journalists, <> the violent mob had been organized and paid by pro-Israel billionaire Bill Ackman.
I have never previously heard of organized mobs of outside thugs being allowed to violently assault peaceful American student protesters on their own campus, something that seems far more reminiscent of turbulent Latin American dictatorships. The closest example that comes to mind might be the notorious 1970 ÒHard Hat RiotÓ in New York City in which hundreds of pro-Nixon construction workers battled similar numbers of anti-war protesters on the streets of lower Manhattan, an incident so infamous that it has an extensive <> Wikipedia page of its own.
However, a somewhat different but much closer and more recent analogy may exist. After Donald Trump launched his unexpectedly successful presidential campaign, right-wing, pro-Trump speakers invited to college campuses were regularly harassed and assaulted along with their audiences by mobs of violent antifa, with many of the latter apparently recruited and paid for the purpose.
This sort of very physical ÒdeplatformingÓ was intended to ensure that their threatening ideas never reached impressionable college students and led conservatives to begin organizing their own groups such as the Proud Boys to provide physical protection. Violent clashes occurred at <> Berkeley and some other colleges, while similar antifa riots in DC disrupted TrumpÕs inauguration. From what I remember, most of the organizers and financial backers of these violent antifa groups seemed to be Jewish, so perhaps it's not surprising that other Jewish leaders have now begun employing very similar tactics to suppress different political movements that they regard as distasteful.
The black-clad Zionist thugs wearing white masks reminded me of Antifa too. The only difference was the colour of the masks; Antifa's were black - Peter M.
Copyright: Peter Myers asserts the right to be identified as the author of the material written by him on this website, being material that is not otherwise attributed to another author.
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