Left deniers of Uighur genocide are like those who denied Ukraine Famine
- Peter Myers
Date January 2, 2020; update July 23, 2022.
My comments are shown {thus}; write to me at contact.html.
You are at http://mailstar.net/genocide-uighur-tibet.html.
(0) China coerces Uighur women into marrying Han men; the Uighur men
are in re-education camps
(1) Left deniers of Uighur genocide are like those who denied Ukraine Famine
(2) China trained and armed Afghan Mujahidin, in Xinjiang, against Soviet
Union in the 1980s
(3) Trains records which recorded all passengers in, but none out
(4) Two people left my mailing list over the Uighur issue, and I am barred
from posting about it at Shamireaders
(5) Shaw was red as a beet. Soviet Ambassador Maisky was one of his
best friends
(6) You will probably be proven right by history, just like the anti-Stalinists
(7) China is a National Socialist society with ethnic-based supremacism
and concentration camps
(8) Those struggling against Empires
(9) How can you say that "Nazi Germany was expansionist"?
(10) Eric Walberg: the world has to stand up now. This is Munich 1938.
(11) Was Mao separate from the Anglo? Or are these empires just
heads of the same Anglo-hydra?
(12) Larouche & Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) writers
deny the Genocides in Tibet & Xinjiang
(13) China Daily newspaper quotes Lyndon Larouche
(14) Webster Tarpley (Larouche writer, for EIR) denies the Ukraine Famine
(15) Gareth Jones was a Welsh journalist who publicized the Ukraine
Famine; but Leftists ridiculed him
(16) Read a first-hand account: Execution By Hunger: The Hidden
(17) How the Ukraine Famine led to the death of Stalin's wife Nadezhda
(18) China bulldozed the Old City of Kashgar - a priceless heritage
of the old Silk Road culture - to better control the Uighurs
(19) In destroying Kashgar, China aimed to push the Uighurs out of the
alley ways and corners - Foreign Correspondent, ABC TV, Australia
More at china-nazi.html .
Ezra Vogel wrote that the Tibetan conflict began in 1955, with the collectivization of agriculture, and BEFORE the CIA became involved (in 1957): china-tibet.html.
(0) China coerces Uighur women into marrying Han men; the Uighur men are in re-education camps
China coerces Uighur women into unwanted marriages
By Leigh Hartman - Sep 24, 2019
In China's western Xinjiang province, Uighur women are marrying Han men, but not because they want to. If they refuse, the women and their families could be arrested or sent to an internment camp.
The Uighurs are a predominantly Muslim, Turkic ethnic minority, while the Han are China's largest ethnicity. Historically, levels of inter-marriage were low.
The Chinese government wants to change that.
Coerced marriages are part of China's attempt to eradicate Uighur culture and assimilate them into the Han-dominated society. It is another example of the government taking control over every aspect of Uighur lives Ñ from restricting what Uighurs can name their children, to how they dress, to what they eat and drink.
A few years ago, the government offered cash payment for inter-ethnic couples to marry. When that didn't work, authorities promoted inter-ethnic marriage though online videos showing happy couples and magazine articles with tips for Han men on how to "win the heart of a Uighur girl."
But Uighurs outside of China say that in reality, the Uighur women don't have a choice.
"These [marriages] are being forced," says Rushan Abbas, director of Campaign for Uyghurs, a Washington human rights organization. "If these girls say no to these guys, either the girls or their parents will go to the camp[s]." ==
Uyghur Love In A Time Of Interethnic Marriage
AUGUST 7, 2019
[...] Some of these dynamics are also a product of the removal of a significant percentage of young Uyghur men from Uyghur social life. Another young woman who we will call Bahar pointed out that this absence adds to the new social pressure to marry Han men. In a series of text messages, she wrote that because so many young Uyghur men have been interned in her small city in southern Xinjiang, it is difficult for her to find a willing Uyghur marriage partner. Bahar noted that nearly all the Uyghur men who remained outside the camps worked as informants or low-level police officers and had low moral character. Many of them took advantage of the desperation of unmarried Uyghur women. Although Uyghur people often note that forms of patriarchy and male infidelity have been widespread in Uyghur society for decades, Bahar said that these forms of sexism have significantly worsened over the past several years.
She wrote, "The cheating is getting worse, because there are fewer and fewer men. Now there are many women who are over 30 who are still not married or who have lost their spouse. This has created a huge imbalance. That is why so many of 'our' girls are getting married with these 'comrades.'" [...] ==
'This is mass rape': China slammed over program that 'appoints' men to sleep with Uighur women
One of China's most disturbing policies shocked the world when it made headlines. The full extent of it is even worse than we imagined.
Gavin Fernando@gavindfernando news.com.au
DECEMBER 23, 20196:31AM
(1) Left deniers of Uighur genocide are like those who denied Ukraine Famine
- by Peter Myers, January 2, 2020
Left deniers of the Uighur genocide are like those who denied the Ukraine Famine in the 1930s
I am reminded of George Bernard Shaw, and Sidney & Beatrice Webb, who put out their book Soviet Communism: A New Civilization during the 1930s, shutting their eyes to the cost of the Collectivization program.
They thought that Communism was better than the Great Depression in the West. So they turned a blind eye to reports of starvation. Six Million died, but the Leftist media in the West turned away.
Similarly, today's Western Communists think that China is better than the Austerity and Imperialism of the West.
They turn a blind eye to China's destruction of Kashgar, and genocide of the Uighurs and Tibetans.
Yet the same Leftists publicize Israel's merciless persecution of the Palestinians.
Yes, some Uighurs have embraced Islamic terrorism. But when Russia faced a Chechen uprising, it was able to put it down without genocide.
Anyway, China itself caused the problem. After the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in late December 1979, China purchased weapons from the USA and allowed the installation of two CIA tracking stations in Xinjiang, to monitor Soviet nuclear tests.
China participated in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union. It trained Mujahidin fighters in camps near Kashgar and Khotan, in Xinjiang, and provided them with weapons.
That's how Uighur militants became radicalized. China brought the problem upon itself. But to solve it, it should follow Putin's methods in dealing with the Chechens - not genocide.
China's forced marriage of Uighar women to Han men, after imprisoning the Uighur men, is barbaric. Not in keeping with Confucian morality or the Taoist ethic.
One can only conclude that the Cultural Revolution destroyed China's civilization.
China's system now is National Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.
Sure, they pulled a lot of people out of poverty. So did Hitler.
And just like Nazi Germany, today's China is expansionist.
I'm no defender of the Anglo-Zionist Empire. But China is a rising empire too. We should oppose BOTH.
(2) China trained and armed Afghan Mujahidin, in Xinjiang, against Soviet Union in the 1980s
Note (Peter M.): That's how the Uighurs became radicalized with Islamic fundamentalism; China brought it on itself.
The Great Wall of Steel: Military and Strategy in Xinjiang by Yitzhak Shichor in Xinjiang: China's Muslim Borderland ed. S. Frederick Starr Routledge, 2004
{p. 157} The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in late December 1979 increased Beijing's threat perception and overnight created a new front in Xinjiang.
It was this threat (and the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia) that brought China and the United States more closely together than ever. By 1980, Washington had begun to supply China with a variety of weapons, and an agreement was reached on the establishment of two joint tracking and listening installations in Xinjiang. Xinjiang had become a base for Chinese operations against the Soviets in Afghanistan as soon as they arrived. PLA personnel
{p. 158} provided training, arms, organization, financial support, and military advisers to the Mujahidin resistance throughout nearly the entire Soviet military presence in AfghanistanÑwith the active assistance and cooperation of the CIA. Until the mid-1980s, most of China's training centers for the Afghan rebels were located in Peshawar and along the Pakistani border. Since then, China trained several thousand Mujahidin in camps near Kashgar and Khotan inside Xinjiang and provided them with machine guns, rocket launchers, and surface-to-air missiles valued at an estimated $200 million to $400 million.
The Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989 and the emergence of the Islamic State of Afghanistan in April 1992 led to the normalization of Sino-Afghan relations. Yet, the factional fighting, the intensification of the civil war, and, eventually, the consolidation of the Taliban in 1996 brought new problems that directly affected the internal security of Xinjiang. Reportedly, Uyghur militants had been trained by, and fought with, the Afghan Mujahidin since 1986, and Chinese officials say that the arms and explosives used against the Chinese in Xinjiang originated in Afghanistan. Funds for the Muslim resistance to Chinese rule in Xinjiang came from smuggled Afghan heroin. Although Taliban officials assured China that they did not harbor Uyghur fugitives, there is solid evidence about Uyghurs who were recruited by the Taliban while studying at the Dar ul-Ulum Sharia in Kabul and at Kabul University and who joined the fighting in the north. Contrary to the Taliban claims that it lacked outside support, 100 (some say 600) Uyghurs were reportedly helping Taliban Islamic guerrillas in Afghanistan. Tahir Yuldashev, the leader of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, who had fled in early 1999 to Afghanistan, is said to have been training several hundred Muslim militants from Central Asia, including an unknown number of Uyghurs from Xinjiang.
To cope with this problem, Beijing's best and only option was dialogue, rather than the use of force. Suspended in February 1993, relations with Kabul resumed in early 2000 when a Chinese embassy reopened there. In return, the Taliban handed to China thirteen Uyghur rebels who had earlier been given "political asylum" in Afghanistan.
(3) Trains records which recorded all passengers in, but none out
From: Thomas Seidler <tom@seidler.co.uk> Subject: Re: Left deniers of Uighur genocide are like those who denied Ukraine Famine
You just keep writing what you want Peter. People take the rough with the smooth or unsubscribe and get over it! It's easy enough to not read anything if I don't want to, but being kept broadly aware (even if only at headline level) of many potential current issues is useful.
Btw my dad says (Chris Seidler antiques dealer and historian with a special interest in Nazi Germany though a very wide general historical knowledge) that the holocaust deniers are not worth publishing as their central arguments have long been removed by the trains records which recorded all passengers in, but none out, so the numbers scale is pretty conclusive as far as he was concerned. His father was a US officer at release of Mauthausen if I recall correctly.
I'm sure he'd be up for a private dialogue the matter if you wished, you may know counter arguments, of course which would benefit him, though I'm pretty sure he has read both sides already.
I only raise this last point as you're publishing such deniers, if they lack academic/rational credibility in the light of the full evidence, then they are not worth treating with any weight?
(4) Two people left my mailing list over the Uighur issue, and I am barred from posting about it at Shamireaders
From: Priscilla Seidler <priscilla@seidler.co.uk> Subject: Re: Left deniers of Uighur genocide are like those who denied Ukraine Famine To: peter@mailstar.net
Completely agree, Peter. Priscilla
REPLY: Thanks Priscilla.
This turns out to be a hot issue. Two people left my mailing list over it, and i am barred from posting about it at Shamireaders.
Israel Shamir posted,
"I do definitely deny the Ukr Holodomor and Uygur and Tibet etc, and many other genocides."
What an eye-opener for me.
I have also come to realise that the Larouche (EIR) people are deniers of China's genocides in Tibet & Xinjiang.
This includes William Engdahl and Webster Tarpley.
(5) Shaw was red as a beet. Soviet Ambassador Maisky was one of his best friends
From: bronek <bronekc@me.com> Subject: Reply: Left deniers of Uighur genocide are like those who denied Ukraine Famine
Hi Peter,
Good post. As for Shaw he was red as a beet. Soviet Ambassador Maisky was one of his best friends. As a kid I consumed a lot about him. If you ever get a chance read some of the books by Prof. Steven Kotkin on Stalin and WWII. I read just about all of Prof. Richard Evans work on WWII, Kotkin is better.
Peter, we enjoyed your info on Soros. My take about Western Civilization is that we have gone from kings, to parliaments/senates to a few corporatists running much of the show. Congress is a compete farce in the pockets of the big boysÉ
Oh, why have you given up on Shamireaders? Is it cuz of some "us-against-them" zyds are amongst the group? I have found that the "us-against-them" transnational networking kook crowd sends out viruses if they think you might question some of their "special" status. A large percentage are indeed psychologically impaired. Sad, to say the least. As individuals there certainly are some good ones. An academic Z acquaintance of mine used to reiterate, "I keep away from themÉ" It's amazing that your defense of the Pals hasn't had those fruitcakes gang up on you.
Have a great year/ bruno
(6) You will probably be proven right by history, just like the anti-Stalinists were.
From: Kevin Barrett <kevin@heresycentral.net> Subject: Re: Left deniers of Uighur genocide are like those who denied Ukraine Famine
You will probably be proven right by history, just like the anti-Stalinists were.
(7) China is a National Socialist society with ethnic-based supremacism and concentration camps
From: Danil Kornishev <danil.kornishev@gmail.com> Subject: Re: Left deniers of Uighur genocide are like those who denied Ukraine Famine
Hello mr. Myers, couple of issues here.
First of all, there is no mythical unified "Stalinists". Left (even traditional "normal" non-LGBT left) is as bitterly divided as ever. Many of us have been screaming for a long time that China is very obviously a National Socialist society, complete with ethnic-based supremacism and concentration camps. It is also a country that has been, and continues to ruthlessly exploit its own working class in near labor-camp conditions. Obviously no "dictatorship of proletariat" there, not even a hint of that.
This topic is voluminous and too complex to receive fair treatment in email, but suffice it to say that supposed "right", while being publicly critical of china, has gone to great length to support it in the form of productive capacity and technology transfers.
Now on topic of "Ukraine Famine". Phrasing it as "Ukraine Famine" is a manipulative and politicized exercise (like Katyn massacre). 1932 famine occurred across multiple parts of USSR and in general, famines in Russia, sadly, wasn't anything out of ordinary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droughts_and_famines_in_Russia_and_the_Soviet_Union
And again, this topic is so complex and voluminous that reducing it to "genocide of Ukrainians" is nothing but repeating manipulative slogans.
Regards, and Happy New Year! Danil
REPLY: Danil,
I don't call it a "genocide of Ukrainians"; that's a politicization formulated for the current clash between Ukraine and Russia. And yes, it occurred in other areas too.
It wasn't just an ordinary famine, but a politically induced one. Admittedly, the peasants played a contributory role, because at the start they killed farm animals rather than hand them over to the state without recompense.
Similarly in Xinjiang, the Uighurs contributed their own plight by staging terrorist acts. But when Russia faced a Chechen uprising, it was able to put it down without genocide.
Anyway, China itself caused the problem. After the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in late December 1979, China purchased weapons from the USA and allowed the installation of two CIA tracking stations in Xinjiang, to monitor Soviet nuclear tests.
China participated in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union. It trained Mujahidin fighters in camps near Kashgar and Khotan, in Xinjiang, and provided them with weapons.
That's how Uighur militants became radicalized. China brought the problem upon itself. But to solve it, it should follow Putin's methods in dealing with the Chechens - not genocide.
The famine in the Ukraine and other fertile areas occurred because the peasants, having been given the land taken from the landlords, resisted having it taken from them once again. Lenin tricked them, with his slogan "workers and peasants", when, all along, the Communists saw the peasants as an enemy to be overcome, because they were self-sufficient small entrepreneurs. The Anarchists and SRs were pro-peasant.
Trotsky's call for collectivization & industrialization forced Stalin's hand. Up to that point Stalin had sided with the Bukharin Right; he changed policies to steal Trotsky's thunder, deprive him of a case which might help him gain support in the Party - he still hoped to unseat Stalin.
But Stalin's brutality in the Collectivization later cost him his marriage. Nadezhda found out about the Ukraine famine, and confronted him about it; they had a terrible fight. She was dead soon after - some say Stalin killed her in the heat of the argument, others that it was suicide. The loss made Stalin harder than ever.
(8) Those struggling against Empires
From: mike robeson <mikerobeson1@yahoo.com> To: shamireaders+owner@groups.io Cc: "peter@mailstar.net" <peter@mailstar.net> Subject: Re: [shamireaders] Critics of China and Russia / Team Players?
Dear Israel, You nailed it on the head - 'Trivial truths' -
Be a team player. Don't shit in your neighborhood. What would your parents say?
Don't criticize the lesser of two evils. Don't rock the boat you're sailing with.. And above all, If they're not 100 percent with you, they're against you.
Call it whatever - Stalinism, Talmudism, Clericalism, bottom line is this - It's much easier to go along and get along with any Empire where the 'trivial truths' above are standard operating procedure.
But those struggling against Empires and who already feel alone and in need of some small protection will eventually become what they are struggling against by accepting them.
Best regards, Michael Robeson
(9) How can you say that "Nazi Germany was expansionist"?
From: "fja0527@bellsouth.net" <fritza2tt@yahoo.de> Subject: Re: Left deniers of Uighur genocide are like those who denied Ukraine Famine
how can you say that "Nazi Germany was expansionist"? You are familiar with Benjamin H. Freedman's speech in 1964, aren't you? These two World Wars began as a European civil war that no one wanted except for the deep state globalists. The first one set the stage for the second one and both should be considered as one 30 year long war in Europe. It only looks like Hitler was expansionist, he was not. He acted purely defensively.
You have to remember how it was before 1918. Were we lived had been Austria for 145 years. Austria had shown that multiple European nationalities were able to live together in harmony. In our particular area, where my father was born, Poles, Ukrainians, Germans and Jews had no problem living next to each other. All this was changed in 1918. Where my mother was born became part of Rumania and where dad was born became part of Poland and now is Ukraine.
To get back to Hitler, all he did was recover ancient German lands. In order not to upset the Poles, all he wanted was a corridor to connect to connect with East Prussia. But the "deep state", the same who objected to the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and now is doing everything it can to impeach President Trump, encouraged the Poles that in a war they would be able to expand further West into Germany and conquer Berlin.
It was France and England who declared war on Germany, a war Hitler never wanted! Stalin saw this as his opportunity to bring the rest of Western Europe under his umbrella and massed his war machine ready to strike along his western boarder. Hitler thought the Western allies would have more sense than to make it difficult for him once he was occupied with Uncle Joe. He did not realize that Communism was in bed with the people of the "Deep State" etc. :-(
(10) Eric Walberg: the world has to stand up now. This is Munich 1938.
From: Eric Walberg <efgh1951@yahoo.com> To: israel shamir <israel.shamir@gmail.com> Cc: Peter Myers <peter@mailstar.net> Subject: Re: [shamireaders] After imprisoning Uighur men, China is offering money, housing & jobs to Han men to marry Uighur women
hi israel
thanks for your caution. yes, stories for years. the problem goes back to china's retaking of east turkestan 1949, same as tibet. first of all, canada is a home to uighurs (and tibetans and lots of falun gong). i know uighurs. it is not just china. secondly, all muslims have a duty to stand for persecuted muslims.
erdogan can't use this to his advantage in HIS new ottoman world order, but istanbul is home to the 200,000+ uighurs, the largest emigre community. they now fear deportation to certain death/ enslavement.
eredogan's pussy-footing with big brother china is no argument in favour of ignoring them. all other muslim nations have denounced china on this. we are wrong to blindly support the anti-imperialists. we lose all credibility.
china's new world order is looking creepier all the time. peter's right: it's a replay of the 1930s now, the anti-imperialists blindly supporting the 'good guys' soviet union, even when stalin ordered the german communists to stand down, letting hitler take over, etc. we can support china/ russia but also criticize. neither is a paradise.
> natives of North America were exterminated.
of course assimilation is fine, but what china is doing is precisely what we did to our natives. destroying their way of life, their beliefs, pumping them full of whiskey, stealing their women, enslaving/ killing their men.
in the past year, china is changing, into high gear to wipe out the entire culture. this isn't the same old same old. i guess tibet was first, as it is higher profile and had to be nipped in the bud. but buddhists are more easily cowed, and the western glitterati are big on buddhism, so china's playing nice there.
but islam is fair game. and it's not only uighurs. chinese wei muslims are totally peaceful/ integrated, not isis, and their mosques too are being destroyed and qurans confiscated, destroyed, soon to be replaced by 'little red books'. there will be a new communist party approved quran. ha, ha. what muslim will buy into that? it's not a feel-good assimilation.
i'm reading rybakov's 'heavy sand'. what a great bildungsroman of the soviet era. fascinating to see how he dealt with the 1937 nightmare show trials. trenchant on the nazi treatment of jews-slavs. when i saw your dismissal of the uighurs, it hit a raw nerve. here's rybakov:
Wwii -never thought it would be far worse for those who remained behind. At least at front died as soldiers.
Hitlerites programme of the destruction of entire peoples. If i send the flower of the german nation into the thick of war, then without doubt i have the right to destroy millions of people of inferior race.
First victim paralysed yankel on porch. 2nd 80 yr old great uncle khaim. Slave labour died after 2-3 months. Perfect as soon electric saws and can kill off remaining jews. All who cooperated exterminated, good and bad, but we judge people by the way they lived, not died. Death can atone for much when purposeful act.
china creates more terrorist actions by trying to erase the uighurs. they are muslim. i am muslim and i know how muslims think. you can't force them/me to convert/ drop allah. islam is against force in religion (which is why it's still growing fast, despite the horrors muslims live under).
rybakov's ghetto uprising is a powerful ending. 'i am a jew.' just as 'i am an uighur' just as 'i am a palestinian' just as...
i'm sorry, but the chinese archetype of inscrutable has more than a grain of truth for 'whites' or anyone. i never got conned by the maoists. they were much creepier than the trots in the 1970s but faded out.
neo-maoist china is out to take over the world by hard work and smarts.
just like 'the jews', all supremacists must be resisted.
peter myers writes: China's system now is National Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. And just like Nazi Germany, today's China is expansionist.
china is busily setting up its own neo-maoist new world order (mao was never officially condemned for great leap and cultural rev). my uighur friend jacob studied through high school (only in mandarin, ie already assimilated to death) and said the mao period is all described positively, presumable even the invasion of vietnam in 1979. china's policies were a disaster then. what makes anyone think that they are suddenly benign, sensible?
ironically (?) chinese smiles are everywhere here in Canada, sinophilia a la judophilia is rampant. one of CBC's hosts is chinese male. vancouver has been virtually occupied by chinese billionaires. i live in a cantonese retirees subsidized housing in toronto. no one speaks english. they've lived here 50 yrs! i could be living in china. a glimpse of the future. han chauvinism. and canada etc loves money. china's the new guy making us all those pretty, cheap commodities. good for them!
the uighurs have their terrorists just like the uzbeks though uzbeks are bigger. and all because of the vicious ISLAM karimov. he's gone and ISIS almost gone. and they are fading away. tho a new dictator, benign, not persecuting muslims. which means (by hadiths, sharia) no revolution/ terrorism.
now china is going to have much more uighur violence. women will be committing suicide or be murdered. china's just waiting for the next terrorist bombing a la chechens. they won't play nice (if that's what we can call putin's war there). note that reconstruction included mosques, and quran is the real one, not a russian PC version.
but i think this nightmare has resonance. the UN mainly. china still listens to the UN. but the world has to stand up now. this is munich 1938.
only peaceful, noninvasive governance in east turkestan can bring an end to terrorist acts. it's the same as afghanistan, iraq, syria... get the f-ing imperialist troops out. let people live in dignity.
we shouldn't just dismiss everything human rights related as a con by the neolibs. some issues are vital and we can support them principally.
we have to criticize the hindu militants too. notice it's muslims that are suffering almost everywhere. and islam is not imperialistic. it is always the victim. and you know why? it's because islam holds the answers to just about all the problems. that's why china is determined now to wipe out islam. it interferes with china's world hegemony plans.
(11) Was Mao separate from the Anglo? Or are these empires just heads of the same Anglo-hydra?
Subject: Re: Left deniers of Uighur genocide are like those who denied Ukraine Famine From: Philippe Landau <plandau@yandex.com>
Dear Peter
Was Mao separate from the Anglo ?
Or are these empires just heads of the same Anglo-hydra ?
Reply (Peter M.):
That's like people who say Hitler was merely a stooge of the Anglo-Zionist empire. Preparata says that, in this book: Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich, by Guido Giacomo Preparata.
But how did they know how WWII would end? Hitler could have won it if he'd made fewer mistakes.
(i) The Soviet-German Pact was Stalin's way of breaking up the Anti-Comintern Pact. In this, Stalin deceived Hitler; his main concern was to avoid war on two fronts (Japan was in Manchuria & parts of Mongolia). Instead, Hitler was the one who got war on two fronts.
(ii) Hitler let the British Army escape at Dunkirk, thinking that Britain might do a deal & join Germany against Russia. But that was wishful thinking; Britiain had similarly refused Napoleon's hegemony over the European continent.
(iii) Hitler could have seized the French fleet and used it against Britain.
(iv) In Operation Barbarossa, Hitler wanted to seize the oilfields of Baku, but his generals wanted to capture Moscow. Later, Hitler became obsessed about taking Stalingrad. This failure in strategy lost the war.
In conclusion, those who maintain that the outcome of WWII was pre-ordained are wrong. Therefore, it was not stage-managed.
(12) Larouche & Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) writers deny the Genocides in Tibet & Xinjiang
- by Peter Myers, January 3, 2020
Yesterday I dug up some old Larouche literature on the Eurasian Corridor, what China now calls the New Silk Road. Lyndon Larouche and his wife Helga Zepp Larouche were pushing it by 1996. Ever since then, they have been working hand-in-glove with the Chinese Government.
The Summer 1997 issue of Fidelio Magazine, a Larouche publication, carried an article called The Eurasian Land-Bridge. I have a copy.
At the same time, they were condemning Tibetans, in effect denying the genocide in Tibet. Similarly they now deny the genocide of Uighurs.
This denial applies to writers who used to write for Executive Intelligence Review - including F. William Engdahl and Webster Tarpley. They have since left the Larouche cult, but still maintain the same line.
David P. Goldman (Spengler at Asia Times) is another. I hear that Asia Times was started by ex-Larouche writers.
In 1983, Lyndon H. LaRouche published a book called There Are No Limits To Growth.
That shows the EIR line on environmental issues. Amazon still lists this book: https://www.amazon.com/There-Are-No-Limits-Growth/dp/0933488319
China Daily, a government newspaper in China, has on many occasions mentioned EIR. Yesterday (Jan 2, 2020) I did the following search in Google:
"china daily" "executive intelligence review"
There were about 1,730 hits. Here is one - it's an article in China Daily by William Jones, who is described (at the bottom) as "the Washington bureau chief for the Executive Intelligence Review and a non-resident senior fellow at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China"
China embarking on new phase of opening-up
By William Jones | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2018-04-13 16:07
The 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up makes 2018 a banner year for China. The commitments made at this year's National People's Congress for a deepening of the "reform and opening up" policy also characterize a "new era" in the development of the People's Republic of China. [...]
The development of the Chinese economy has provided a practical lesson for other developing countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa, showing them that through a similarly focused policy of development, they can also overcome the poverty and misery that prevails in most of the world. And, as we have witnessed in the last five years, with the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative, China has now become the major driving force for global economic development. [...] community, one where there are no losers, only winners.
The author is the Washington bureau chief for the Executive Intelligence
Review and a non-resident senior fellow at the Chongyang Institute for
Financial Studies, Renmin University of China.
The Larouche movement is complicit in Communist intellectuals in the West denying China's genocides of Tibetans and Uighurs, and in aiding the buildup of China's new empire.
An article from EIR issue of July 27, 2001 describes how Larouche's proopsed Eurasian Land-Bridge led to China's New Silk Road:
{quote} Chronology: Productive Triangle to Eurasian Land-Bridge
Since Lyndon LaRouche's historic press conference in West Berlin in October 1988, the Eurasian Land-Bridge has developed step by step, despite all the interventions of the Anglo-American financier oligarchy to prevent it ...
March 1991: A Schiller Institute conference in Berlin, "Infrastructure for a Free Europe," was attended by over 100 economists and political activists from 17 countries. ... In a speech read to the conference, LaRouche ... identified the political battle of the last century, of European and Asian leaders attempting to unite Eurasia as "a sphere of cooperation for mutual benefit among sovereign states," which could have ended the British domination of the world. ...
1992: The Schiller Institute elaborated the "spiral arms" of the Productive Triangle, as a network of transcontinental Eurasian development corridors. The concept soon resonated in China, where attention to the potential for development along the new Eurasian Land-Bridge began to intensify ...
December 1994: A Schiller Institute conference in Eltville, Germany
... focussed on the "New Silk Road" development policy.
An article in 21st Century Science and Technology (another Larouche publication) descrbes the Eurasian Landbridge as the "Motor for Eurasian Development": https://21sci-tech.com/Subscriptions/Archive/1997_Sp.pdf
Larouche's movement is called "Far Right". Yet he started out as a Trotskyist. Abandoning the Socialist Workers Party, he "joined the rival Spartacist League before announcing his intention to build a new Fifth International." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_LaRouche
A Fifth International? That's Communist. Yet Larouche is pushing Christian social values - can this be Christian Communism?
Is that what the Larouche movement is?
Yes, it is. But what kind of Christianity denies the genocide of Tibetans and Uighurs?
Israel Shamir is similarly a Christian Communist.
Yesterday, he told me not to post any more material on the Uighurs to Shamireaders. When I likened Denial of the Uighur genocide to denial of the Ukraine Famine, Shamir replied,
"I do definitely deny the Ukr Holodomor and Uygur and Tibet etc, and many other genocides."
Even the Trotskyist wsws (World Socialist Web Site) denies the genocide of Uighurs and Tibetans:
US media ramps up anti-China campaign over Uyghur "human rights" By Peter Symonds 28 November 2019 https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2019/11/28/uygh-n28.html
Max Shachtman's faction of the Trotskyists might be thought to oppose the new China, since they opposed the Soviet Union, eg during the Korean War. But Michael Hudson, who belongs to that faction, sides with China on economic matters including the Belt & Road. However he has made no comment on the Tibetans or Uighurs, and is not aligned with the China Lobby the way that the Larouchites are. He should be careful to maintain his independence, because he might still be called on (eg by Bernie Sanders) for Treasury Secretary.
Breaking with the Trotskyist Fourth International, Trotsky's widow Natalya wrote in 1951:
{quote} Letter to the Executive Committee of the Fourth International
[...] you continue to advocate, and to pledge the entire movement, to the defence of the Stalinist state. You are even now supporting the armies of Stalinism in the war which is being endured by the anguished Korean people. I cannot and will not follow you in this.
[...] the Socialist fatherland ... has been replaced by the enslavement and degradation of the people by the Stalinist autocracy. This is the state you propose to defend in the war, which you are already defending in Korea.
I know very well how often you repeat that you are criticising Stalinism and fighting it. But the fact is that your criticism and your fight lose their value and can yield no results because they are determined by and subordinated to your position of defence of the Stalinist state. Whoever defends this regime of barbarous oppression, regardless of the motives, abandons the principles of socialism and internationalism. [...]
Natalya Sedova Trotsky Mexico, D.F. 9 May 1951
(13) China Daily newspaper quotes Lyndon Larouche
- by Peter Myers, January 3, 2020.
Today (Fri Jan 3, 2020) I did a Google search on "china daily" "lyndon larouche"
There are about 2,000 results. Here are a few:
US, China should joinly reform world financial system (xinhua)
Updated: 2007-11-25 11:16
The United States and China should join hands in an effort to reform the world financial system, which has currently entered the most deadly crisis in recent centuries, a renowned US economist said Saturday.
"The end of the present world monetary-financial system is inevitable, unless the system is replaced by a new world system during a relatively brief, remaining time available," said Lyndon LaRouche at a luncheon at the Forum on US-China Relations and China's Peaceful Reunification.
LaRouche, also a famous political activist, said the present international financial crisis could only be brought under control when major countries like the US and China cooperate. ==
Identifying with China
By Chen Weihua in Washington | China Daily USA | Updated: 2017-08-18 12:09
Helga Zepp-LaRouche sees Belt and Road Initiative as fulfilling lifelong pursuit by her and her US political activist husband, Lyndon LaRouche. [...]
(14) Webster Tarpley (Larouche writer, for EIR) denies the Ukraine Famine (video)
Webster G. Tarpley is a writer who used to write for Executive Intelligence Review, along with F. William Engdahl. Despite leaving the Larouche cult, they maintain its ideological line, and actively spread it.
Their denial of China's genocide of Uighurs and Tibetans is matched by Tarpley's denial of the Ukraine Famine (Holodomor), in the following youtube.
In case the above link is not working, you can also watch the first part (where Tarpley makes the statements below) at Tarpley-deny-Ukraine-famine.mp4.
Webster Tarpley on the Holodomor lie
27 Jul 2014
Webster Griffin Tarpley (born 1946) is an American author, historian, economist, journalist and lecturer. He is not a member of any political party and a former member of the U.S. Labor Party. ==
{Tarpley speaks:}
0.4 the mythology of these characters depends on this notion of The Great Famine, the Holodomor. The Holodomor, Death by Hunger, I guess, is allegedly the deliberate starvation, deliberate famine and genocide, by Stalin and the Soviets, against the Ukrainian population in 1932-1933, ...
1.00 this is an invention of the European anti-communists ... it is the Fascist embassies, the German and Italian ones, working for Hitler and Mussolini respectively, they say 'a famine', ...
1.58 the idea then is that it's the German and Italian propaganda - Fascist propaganda - that starts up with this famine ...
2.19 William Randolph Hearst then comes in, and he starts the agitation about Stalin starving the Ukrainians, and that's where it took off, and
2.30 this is now the most durable, the most long-lasting myth of what went on in the soviet union
Comment (Peter M.);
Tarpley wrongly formulates the thesis, and thus is able to deny it.
It is NOT the case that Stalin or the Bolsheviks delierately sought a genocide of Ukrainians.
Rather, the famine was a by-product of their policies of taking the peasants' land, and they kept pursuing those policies despite the famine.
They seized the seed grain from the peasants, depriving them of the chance to plant the next season's crop. The Soviet Union was exporting grain even at the height of the famine, to obtain the means to pay for imports for the industrialization program.
Ukraine's bitter experience in the 1930s led to the fall of the USSR. In 1991, Ukraine voted for independence from the Soviet Union; this is what broke it up.
Could collectivization have been done differently? Yes, it could have been done on a voluntary basis, with incentives but no coercion. The bigger estates could have been collectivized, but not the smaller ones. The farmlands where the soil was too hard for horses to plough had traditionally not been cultivated by the peasants, and with the availibility of tractors these became State Farms, which operated successfully. That could have remained.
Mao collectivized China's agriculture during the the Great Leap Forward; but 30 million died (something little publicized by leftists). Deng reversed Mao's collectivization. After North Vietnam won the Vietnam War, it collectivized agriculture, buit this led to food shortages and was later reversed.
The basis of Collectivization, as per the ideologues pushing it, was that there should be no private ownership; everything should be owned communally, to achieve the goal of "one for all and all for one". However, in the satellite regimes of postwar eastern Europe, small farms and businesses were allowed to remain in private hands. That was a much better system.
(15) Gareth Jones was a Welsh journalist who publicized the Ukraine Famine; but Leftists ridiculed him
Gareth Jones was a Welsh journalist who first publicized the Ukraine Famine in the West: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gareth_Jones_(journalist).
The next month, he travelled to the Soviet Union and eluded authorities
to slip into Ukraine, where he kept diaries of the man-made starvation
he witnessed. On his return to Berlin on 29 March 1933, he issued his
press release, which was published by many newspapers, including The
Manchester Guardian and the New York Evening Post:
I walked along through villages and twelve collective farms. Everywhere was the cry, 'There is no bread. We are dying'. This cry came from every part of Russia, from the Volga, Siberia, White Russia, the North Caucasus, and Central Asia. I tramped through the black earth region because that was once the richest farmland in Russia and because the correspondents have been forbidden to go there to see for themselves what is happening.
In the train a Communist denied to me that there was a famine. I flung a crust of bread which I had been eating from my own supply into a spittoon. A peasant fellow-passenger fished it out and ravenously ate it. I threw an orange peel into the spittoon and the peasant again grabbed it and devoured it. The Communist subsided. I stayed overnight in a village where there used to be two hundred oxen and where there now are six. The peasants were eating the cattle fodder and had only a month's supply left. They told me that many had already died of hunger. Two soldiers came to arrest a thief. They warned me against travel by night, as there were too many 'starving' desperate men.
'We are waiting for death' was my welcome, but see, we still, have our cattle fodder. Go farther south. There they have nothing. Many houses are empty of people already dead,' they cried.
This report was unwelcome in a great many of the media, as the intelligentsia of the time was still in sympathy with the Soviet regime. On 31 March, The New York Times published a denial of Jones' statement by Walter Duranty under the headline "RUSSIANS HUNGRY, BUT NOT STARVING". In the article, Kremlin sources denied the existence of a famine, and said, "Russian and foreign observers in country could see no grounds for predications of disaster". On 13 May, Jones published a strong rebuttal to Duranty in The New York Times, standing by his report:
My first evidence was gathered from foreign observers. Since Mr. Duranty introduces consuls into the discussion, a thing I am loath to do, for they are official representatives of their countries and should not be quoted, may I say that I discussed the Russian situation with between twenty and thirty consuls and diplomatic representatives of various nations and that their evidence supported my point of view. But they are not allowed to express their views in the press, and therefore remain silent.
Journalists, on the other hand, are allowed to write, but the censorship has turned them into masters of euphemism and understatement. Hence they give "famine" the polite name of 'food shortage' and 'starving to death' is softened down to read as 'widespread mortality from diseases due to malnutrition'. Consuls are not so reticent in private conversation.
In a personal letter from Soviet Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvinov (whom Jones had interviewed while in Moscow) to Lloyd George, Jones was informed that he was banned from ever visiting the Soviet Union again.
This page was last edited on 24 November 2018, at 01:04 (UTC).
(16) Read a first-hand account: Execution By Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust
Execution By Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust, by Miron Dolot: Ukraine-Famine.html .
The same politically-correct Leftists deny the Uighur and Tibetan genocides today.
(17) How the Ukraine Famine led to the death of Stalin's wife Nadezhda Alliluieva
(17.1) from Robert Payne, The Rise and Fall of Stalin (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1965):
{p. 410} On the night of November 8 Stalin attended a party given at the country house of Voroshilov. He was accompanied by Nadezhda, and a small circle of intimate friends now reduced by the butcheries of the previous twelve months. At such parties he was always inclined to drink dangerously. Something said by Nadezhda - it may have been about another woman, Rosa Kaganovich, who was also present, or about the expropriations in the villages which were dooming the peasants to famine - reduced Stalin to a state of imbecile rage. In front of her friends he poured out a torrent of abuse and obscenity. He was a master of the art of cursing, with an astonishing range of vile phrases and that peculiarly
{p. 411} obscene form of speaking which the Russians call matershchina. Nadezhda could stand it no more, rushed out of the room, drove to the Kremlin and went straight to the small house where she had spent most of her married life. She died about four o clock in the morning. ...
In 1955 Elizabeth Lermolo published her extraordinary account of her life in various isolators in Russia. Among the prisoners she met was Natalia Trushina, a young woman who had formerly worked in Lenin's secretariat. At the time of Nadezhda's death she was employed as a housekeeper in Stalin's household, looking after the children when Nadezhda was at her studies. On the night of November 8 she was wide-awake. Here is her account as reported by Elizabeth Lermolo:
{start of quote} About one o'clock at night, the doorbell rang at the Stalin apartrnent. Natalia ran to open it, thinking that it was early for the Stalins to be hack. To her surprise it was Nadya escorted by Voroshilov. In the vestibule, Nadya hastily thanked Voroshilov, bade him goodnight and rushed to her room. Voroshilov, looking rather nonplussed, left after a moment, and Natalia hurried to Nadya who was sitting on the bed, staring blankly into space.
{p. 412} "It's the end," Nadya said. "I've reached the limit. Until now I've been a sort of wife to him, but not any more. I'm nothing. The only prospect is death. I shall be poisoned or killed in some prearranged 'accident.' Where can I go? What can I do?"
Nadya became hysterical. Natalia tried to calm her, saying that Stalin's flirtations were well-known to her, that he would tire of the present attraction as he had of others, and that she, Nadya, would soon be an engineer and free to go away and do as she liked.
When Nadya had quieted a bit, Natalia took her into the bathroom and she started to undress. Then, for no apparent reason, she fainted.
Natalia, alarmed, did the first thing she thought of. She grabbed the telephone and called the Voroshilov apartment and asked that Stalin return home at once. When he arrived a few minutes later, flustered and impatient, Natalia directed him to the bathroom. Nadya had regained consciousness by now but would not come out.
Through the partially opened door, Natalia heard the quarrel that followed. Nadya accused Stalin of carrying on shamelessly with "that woman" in the presence of a large company, of hurting her and humiliating her. Stalin, after listening in silence for a long while, answered her with a tirade. He told her that she had retained none of her old revolutionary ardor, that she had become transformed into a conventional housewife, that as far as the revolution was concerned she was just so much excess baggage. "You are no longer the companion needed by a leader of the world revolutionl" he said.
The quarrel went on and on. Nadya out of her hurt pride argued like any woman who as wife and mother is conscious of certain rights. Stalin kept protesting that his position put him above bourgeois concepts of morality, that he needed someone to rekindle his spirit, revive his will to leadership.
At this, Nadya was infuriated. "Rosa, I suppose, revives you! ... I know the kind of leader you are. More than anyone else, I know the kind of revolutionist you arel" And she went on to accuse him of usurping the leadership of the party dishonestly, of involving her in his shady schemes. She was, she said, ashamed to look her comrades in the eye because of his blood purges and liquidations. Her voice rose hysterically.
"Shut up, damn you!" Stalin roared at last. Then Natalia heard a blow, a fall, someone gasping. Filled with foreboding, not quite knowing what she was up to, Natalia pushed open the door of the bathroom. There on the floor was Stalin savagely choking Nadya with both his hands and saying, "You would, would you?" Natalia screamed, whereupon Stalin broke away from Nadya and with his face turned tore out of the bathroom. Nadya lay on the floor, not breathing. At her temple was a large wound that could have been the blow from an instrument. There was blood, and near her on the floor was a bloodstained revolver.
{p. 413} Natalia Trushina went on to describe how Poskrebyshev, Stalin's
secretary, suddenly appeared, forbade her to call a doctor, removed
the revolver, ordered the blood mopped up, and saw to it that the unfortunate
incident was smoothed over. From time to time during the night Soviet
dignitaries came to the house to console Stalin. Long before morning Nadezhda's
disfigured face had been restored with the help of scissors, cold cream
and face powder, and the hair had been rearranged to conceal the wound.
(17.2) from Aino Kuusinen, Before and After Stalin: A Personal Account of Soviet Russia from the 1920s to the 1960s
translated from the German by Paul Stevenson (London, Michael Joseph, 1974):
{the author was the wife of Otto Kuusinen: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Wille_Kuusinen. He was a founder of the Finnish Communist Party, who fled to Russia and worked for the Comintern from 1921 to 1939; was a member of the Politburo from 1957 until his death in 1964; and was Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU from 1957 to 1964. In 1930 Aino and Otto separated, and Aino went to work for the Comintern in the United States}
{p. 91} One morning in November 1932, I saw headlined on the front page of the New York Times that Stalin had murdered his wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva. My first reaction was that this could only be a malicious invention by the sensational bourgeois press. The official version was that Stalin's wife had fallen seriously ill and had died as the result of an operation; but what could have started the rumour that she was murdered? I did not believe it, but I could not altogether repress my suspicions, as references to the story kept cropping up in the press.
I returned to Moscow at the end of the following July, and on the day after my arrival I received unexpected confirmation of the rumours from an old friend, Dr Muromtseva of the Medical Academy. She was a loyal Communist who used as a matter of course to defend all the strange goings-on in the Soviet Union, and her husband was a highly-placed Old Bolshevik. After showering me with questions about life in America, which I answered to the best of my ability, she suddenly asked: 'Did the American press say that Stalin had murdered his wife?'
'Yes, the papers were full of stories about her death, and they did say she was murdered.'
'And what did you think?'
'I didn't believe them.'
'Well, it's true.'
I stared in amazement and asked her how she knew, whereupon she told me this story.
'One morning as I was just setting out for work, the telephone rang and an unknown man's voice told me to go straight to the guardroom at the entrance to the Kremlin and show my Party membership booklet. I was paralysed with fear, as anyone in Moscow would be on receiving such an order. When I got to the Kremlin, the commandant was there with two other women doctors, and we three were led through various corridors to Nadezhda Alliluyeva's room. She was lying on the bed, quite still, and we thought at first that she was ill and unconscious, but then we saw she was dead. We were alone with the body of Stalin's wife. She had been a student at the Industrial Academy, and her books and lecture notes were still on the table.
'After a while two men brought a coffin, and we were told by
{p. 92} an official to lay the body in it. We looked about for some appropriate clothing, and chose a black silk dress from one of the wardrobes. Suddenly Dr N. made a sign and pointed to some great black bruises on the corpse's neck. We looked closer, and then exchanged silent glances - it was clear to all of us that she had been strangled. As we gazed in horror at the body, the marks became larger and clearer, and finally we could distinguish each finger of the murderer's left hand.
'We realized that when the body lay in state, anyone who saw the marks would know what the cause of death had been, and so we put a bandage round the neck so that the many thousands who came to pay their last respects to Nadezhda Alliluyeva would suppose that she had died of a throat disease.'
My friend ended her account with the words: 'I'm sure you will understand when I say that we three doctors have had many a sleepless night since then - we know too much.'28
Although the doctors thought they had concealed the truth so well, I found as I went round visiting old friends in the next few days that the rumour of Stalin's guilt was widespread. Most people thought he had attacked his wife in a fit of anger because of her reproaches over the policy of forced collectivization, which had meant misery and starvation for millions of peasants. The rumour was corroborated by the fact that after Nadezhda's death her closest relations began to disappear mysteriously. It was of course extremely risky to breathe a word about the matter, and it remained taboo for at least six years afterwards. This was shown by the case of an old cleaning woman who had worked at the Mint for twenty years and, like me, was thrown into Butyrka prison in 1938: her neighbour, a Party member, had reported her to the authorities for asking what illness Stalin's wife had died of. Even such measures did not kill the rumour, and when I came back to Moscow in 1955 - twenty-three years after Alliluyeva's death, and with fifteen years of prison and camps behind me - the murder was still a frequent topic of conversation.
Another friend of mine, also a Party member of long standing, repeated to me a tale she had heard from some of the Kremlin servants. Marshal Voroshilov whose apartment was next to Stalin's, had heard through his bedroom wall Stalin's
{p. 93} explosion of anger and Nadezhda's cries for help. He ran across in his night clothes to help her, but she was already dead. Naturally he never said anything - to do so might have cost him his life, and he was in danger for many years as the sole witness of Stalin's crime. Khrushchev, in his famous speech to the twentieth Party Congress in 1956, spoke of Stalin's vengeful designs and declared that he suspected Voroshilov of spying for the British. I heard an echo of this in 1938, when an officer in the Lubyanka began my interrogation one evening by boasting of the daily executions in the prison cellar, and showed me a list of those who were soon to be liquidated: the first name on it was Voroshilov, the second Otto Kuusinen, and the third Mikoyan.
In later years in Moscow, when the weather was fine, I often used to sit and read on a bench in the garden of the Novodevichy convent, an oasis of peace and beauty near the city centre. The fine old buildings and churches stand in the foreground, and behind a wall is a cemetery where people of importance are still buried. Walking among the graves one Sunday I came upon that of Nadezhda Alliluyeva, and was amazed at what I saw. It was ornamented by an impressive marble statue of the dead woman with a large white veil over her shoulders, and with her left hand touching her neck at the very place where, according to my doctor friend, the marks of the strangler's hand had been visible.
Nadezhda was a woman of great beauty and character; I had met her several
times at the Kremlin, the last occasion being a women's congress. She told
me then that she had taken up the study of weaving and textiles in order
to have an independent profession of her own. I thought her intelligent
but very much on edge, and irked by the attentions she received as Stalin's
wife. As I stood now fascinated by the snow-white statue, my thoughts were
of the pastÑnot my own life and trials, but those of this woman
who had suffered so much at the side of her tyrant husband. She had
uttered no word of complaint, but had been as mute as the statue itself.
But what sculptor could have dared to allude so clearly to the manner
of her death? And why is it still a forbidden subject? These questions
remain unanswered, and the mystery is still unsolved.
More at wives-of-stalin.html .
Despite having killed her in a rage, Stalin had loved her; she was the only woman he had really loved. The loss affected him terribly, and made him all the more cold and hard.
(18) China bulldozed the Old City of Kashgar - a priceless heritage of the old Silk Road culture - to better control the Uighurs
China razes the cradle of a culture
Mon, 05/04/2009 - 12:00
Paul Mooney, Foreign Correspondent
May 3. 2009 4:27PM GMT
A street in Kashgar's old town, Sept. 30, 2007
An old way of life is coming to a crashing end in north-western China with two-thirds of Kashgar's Old City being bulldozed over the past few weeks under a government plan to "modernise" the area.
The few remaining houses still standing are marked with an ominous-looking Chinese character written in red with a circle drawn around it. The character, pronounced "chai" in Chinese, means demolish.
A government plan worth US$440 million (Dh1.6 billion) calls for the relocation of 65,000 Uighur households, about 220,000 people, whose families have lived in the Old City for centuries. Until a few weeks ago, the area housed 40 per cent of the city's residents in its labyrinth-like alleyways, where the naturalness of the life made it a popular tourist destination and one that was not ruined by tourism.
For centuries, children played on the cobblestone streets of the Old City, mothers standing in the doorways of their mud-brick dwellings chatting with neighbours, their faces covered by scarves. Bearded men wearing embroidered doppas (skullcaps) have walked daily to the many small neighbourhood mosques that pepper the area for prayers, passing by coppersmiths hammering pieces of metal into shiny pots, butchers cutting lamb in the open air and bakers slapping traditional flatbreads on to the sides of a tandoor, a makeshift clay oven.
According to the state media, the ancient district which provided the exotic backdrop for Kabul in the movie The Kite Runner chosen for its close resemblance to that vibrant Afghan city of the 1970s must be torn down because of poor drainage, unsound construction and susceptibility to earthquakes.
Irritated residents claim the government made no attempt to discuss the demolition plan with them or to consider other ways of dealing with the problems.
The Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking Muslim group, have long resented Chinese rule of Xinjiang, which they call East Turkestan. Wang Lequan, the Xinjiang party secretary, announced in March during a visit to Kashgar and Hotan that the two cities were at the "forefront of the fight against the three evil forces of terrorism, extremism and separatism".
Some Uighurs argue the demolition is part of an orchestrated campaign by the Chinese government to destroy Uighur culture.
"The Old City in Kashgar represents the very essence of Uighur civilisation for thousands of years," said Rebiya Kadeer, the president of the Uyghur American Association. "The Uighurs consider Kashgar the cradle of Uighur civilisation.
"By destroying Kashgar, the Chinese government will make all East Turkestan cities and towns look just like all other Chinese cities and towns along the east coast. Once Kashgar is destroyed, the unique Uighur and Central Asian character of East Turkestan will become history." [...]
(19) In destroying Kashgar, China aimed to push the Uighurs out of the alley ways and corners - Foreign Correspondent, ABC TV, Australia
The Uyghur Dilemma
Posted Tue 28 Jul 2009, 10:38pm
Kashgar stands at the very western edge of China - an oasis city that has long provided relief for travellers on the ancient Silk Road.
Parts of the city have stood for more than 2000 years and within its labyrinth, Uighur traditions have played largely unchanged over time. It's a living history attracting hordes of tourists every year.
But Beijing is bringing in the bulldozers - knocking down great swathes of the old town - because it says there is an increasing risk of devastation from earthquake. Officials say they're worried about the safety of the people who live there.
The Uighurs though are a Muslim majority in the city and the region and many residents suspect other motives. They believe Beijing's agenda is to push the Uighurs out of the alley ways and corners of old Kashgar and into more manageable and uniform accommodation where they can be monitored and better kept in check.
China correspondent Stephen McDonell has managed to gain extraordinary access to Kashgar, its residents and local leadership, to assess the motives behind the demolition program and to explore more broadly the strategic security problems Beijing is trying to contain and cauterise.
McDonell manages to gain entry to a highly sensitive security zone outside Kashgar for a bigger picture. Across the mountains in one direction Pakistan is locked in battle with the Taliban in another Afghanistan is facing the same extremist threat. The Chinese government holds grave concerns that Muslim terrorism could find fertile ground here. The Foreign Correspondent team happens upon a full scale anti-terror exercise and films from a distance.
But there's also the developing domestic friction. In early July violence erupted between the Uighurs and the otherwise dominant Han Chinese - many of whom are resettling Uighur territory.
In the region's capital Urumqi, it's estimated as many as 200 people were killed and many more injured. About one thousand were arrested after troops moved in.
MCDONELL: The Taklamatan Desert in Western China is 337,000 square kilometres of arid, dramatic wasteland. It's the hottest place in China which, for many an emperor, was a natural barrier to potential invaders. Yet for hundreds of years, camel trains would brave this desolate expanse. Because traders carried Chinese silk to sell to the Western world, this became known as "the Silk Road". The camel trains took this dangerous journey knowing that if they could make it across the Taklamatan, there was relief on the other side.
They would arrive in Kashgar. The old city looks pretty similar today to how it would have been centuries ago. Tens of thousands of people still live in this romantic, crumbling rabbit warren.
At street level you can really feel the history oozing out of these walls. Imagine what it was like for travellers in the past. After spending weeks in the desert heat, they would arrive here and meander around these cool alleyways, tasting again the fruits of civilisation.
Kashgar is the cultural capital for the Uighurs. Though they look and sound like Turks, these people are officially Chinese and ten million of them live here in China's far Western Xinjiang Province. Apart from their language, music and clothes, the Uighurs are known for their mercantile spirit and it's there in abundance at Kashgar's Sunday livestock market.
The Uighurs are Sunni Muslims. Throughout history their homeland has been in and out of Beijing's control. It became part of Communist China when the People's Liberation Army entered the region in 1949. For the many Uighurs who've never accepted being Chinese, their relationship with the government is at best tense.
Everywhere you go in this labyrinth of a place, there are working examples of a very different way of life. Tradition permeates everything and even dictates people's jobs. Fifty-year-old Tursun Zunun was born in this 400-year-old house. He's a 6th generation pot thrower.
TURSUN ZUNUN: "We live as we did in the old times. We don't use electric lights. I use my feet to turn the wheel to make pots. If I was to stop doing this the souls of my father and grandfather would also stop".
MCDONELL: As the oldest of twelve children, Tursun Zunun inherited this trade from his forefathers. He has three daughters and also a son who he hopes will take over after him. Yet he worries that his culture is under threat.
TURSUN ZUNUN: "In the past we had no hair - we had to shave our heads. We wore these dopas. But everything is changing - am I right? We didn't wear this type of clothing, but now we do. The old things are going. We've put away the dopa, and wear nothing on our heads. We're Uighurs in name only - so much of our culture has already changed".
MCDONELL: Kashgar's blacksmiths have occupied the same corner of this city for many hundreds of years. As with other crafts, their skills have been passed down from generation to generation. But here, like elsewhere, change is only days away and the fear of what's coming is palpable.
BLACKSMITH: "I spent my whole childhood in this place and if they destroy it, we can't continue our business".
MCDONELL: Whether they're bakers or noodle makers, tailors or painters, for many the old ways are about to end. And this is not some slow erosion but an upheaval in front of their faces. The government has declared that most of the old city will have to be knocked down. It's already levelled parts of the town as big as football fields, other areas have been cleared the size of large city office blocks.
XU JIANRONG: "The reality is that dangerous buildings are everywhere in the old town of Kashgar".
MCDONELL: Deputy Mayor, Xu Jianrong, is responsible for the old town's reconstruction. He says he's worried that an earthquake, like that in Sichuan last year, could one day strike Kashgar. [...]
Ezra Vogel on the history of the Tibetan conflict; it began in 1955, BEFORE the CIA became involved (1957): china-tibet.html .
More at china-nazi.html .
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