George Soros as Rothschild Agent

Selections by Peter Myers, July 31, 2001; update, August 11, 2008. My comments are shown {thus}.

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It would be foolish to oppose a cause just because George Soros supports it. He backs the right to voluntary euthenasia for the terminally ill (which I support), and heroin injecting rooms (which I oppose).

As a strong supporter of the Democratic Party, one would expect that he backs the Kyoto Protocol, the World Court, and Gay Marriage.

He opposes George W. Bush:

The US Is Now In The Hands of a group of extremists, by George Soros,3604,1131132,00.html.

Soros likes to be seen as a modern-day Robin Hood, donating money to "minority" causes, and even running his own "Human Rights" NGOs. But Executive Intelligence Review says that he is the public face of the Rothschild bankers - item #2.

(1) Soros calls himself a Bolshevik; but what kind of Bolshevik?
(2) The true story of Soros the Golem
(3) George Soros' International School of Youth Corruption, by Marek Glogoczowski
(4) In June 1994, Popper gave a lecture at Soros' Central European University in Prague
(5) Soros awarded Popper the first "Open Society Prize"
(6) SIR KARL POPPER IN PRAGUE - the "Open Society Prize" Awarding Ceremony
(7) George Soros as "Robin Hood"? - SMH interview soon after the Asia Crisis
(8) George Soros' "Alternative Journalism" donations
(9) Soros is one of principal investors in Carlyle Group, a defence contractor
(10) Soros gave $ to Solidarity, Charter 77, Sakharov, & the anti-Milosevic opposition
(11) Soros link to Khodorkovsky's Open Russia Foundation
(12) Soros says there "an Orwellian Truth Machine" in the US

(1) Soros calls himself a Bolshevik; but what kind of Bolshevik?

"If there was ever a man who would fit the stereotype of the Judeo-plutocratic Bolshevik Zionist world conspirator, it is me" - (Sydney Morning Herald interview, November 15, 1997, Spectrum Features section; the interview is presented below at item #7).

Which kind of Bolshevik? Not a Stalinist - he helped undo the East European Stalinist regimes. Is he a closet Trotskyist?

Soros donates money to, and directly organises, the same sorts of minority causes the Totskyists promote (feminist, migrant, green, gay, indigenous). Like them, he supports World Government.

Both endorse the notion of a multiplicity of genders (male, female, gay, lesbian, transexual etc), rather than the usual two:

Feminism is based on a rejection of sexual polarity and complementarity: engagement.html.

Instead, they promote Androgyny - the idea that the individual human contains both sexual poles, instead of just one. It's the basis of the Unisex movement (unisex hairstyles, unisex character-traits, abolition of complementary roles in marriage).

Compare this with Egyptian art, which depicts male & female figures in conjunction - unity obtained through the coming together of two sexes. Or the yin-yang symbol on the Korean flag: its basic idea is that, although each sex contains the germ of the other, it is through their harmonious mingling that unity is obtained.

The idea of Androgyny underlies the push for "Gay Marriage".

Androgyny was also a theme in early Soviet culture (before Stalin): sex-soviet.html.

Both Soros and the Trots are pro-Globalization and anti-Globalization at once. Pro-Globalization because of a belief in "one world" - the unifying of all races, genders, classes etc in a world-state, which requires the dismantling of nation-states. Anti-Globalization in that the undoing of the nation-state's protectionist structures through deregulation and open borders (free trade in goods &services, free movement of capital and migrants across borders) creates inequality and insecurity. The dismantling of family structures has the same effect, leaving many people as isolated, unsupported individuals.

Kark Marx articulated this strategy in his SPEECH ON THE QUESTION OF FREE TRADE of JANUARY 9, 1848:

"Gentlemen, - The Repeal of the Corn Laws in England is the greatest triumph of Free Trade in the nineteenth century. ... Everyone knows that in England the struggle between Liberals and Democrats takes the name of the struggle between Free Traders and Chartists. ... To sum up, what is Free Trade under the present conditions of society? Feeedom of Capital. ... there will always be a class which exploits and a class which is exploited. ... The only result will be that the antagonism of these two classes will stand out more clearly. ... Moreover, the Protective system is nothing but a means of establishing manufacture upon a large scale in any given country ... But, generally speaking, the Protective system in these days is conservative, while the Free Trade system works destructively. It breaks up old nationalities and carries antagonism of proletariat and bourgeoisie to the uttermost point. In a word, the Free Trade system hastens the Social Revolution. In this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, I am in favor of Free Trade." classwar.html.

His supporters have repeated it in recent times: xTrots.

Soros expressed his anti-Globalization in hia articles The Capitalist Threat (Atlantic Monthly, February 1997: and Toward a Global Open Society (Atlantic Monthly, January 1998; Volume 281, No. 1; pages 20 - 32: Both are at soros2.html.

Soros supports the Dalai Lama against the Chinese Government. But most Trots regard Mao as a Stalinist; Steve Jolly, the head of the far-left 'Militant' Trotskyist group, participated in the bloody demonstration at Tiananmen Square in 1989. His account of events was published in the (Sydney) Sun-Herald of July 2, 1989, p. 27.

John Passant, formerly a leader of the International Socialist Organization (ISO), then of Socialist Alternative (which split from it), wrote in a letter in the Canberra Times of March 16 1998, "I cracked a bottle of champagne to celebrate when the Berlin Wall fell. I participated in demonstrations against the butchers of Beijing".

So, if Soros is a Trotskyist, it is of this sort.

When Pope Benedict visited Sydney in mid 2008, Trotskyists tried to organise a train strike:

They lambasted politicians & the media for welcoming him:

And they declared victory against him and the World Youth Day events:

Some Sydney Trots, however, expressed reservations over the anti-Pope demonstrations:

It is unlikely that Soros supported those anti-Pope demonstrators. His undermining of the Communist regimes in Eastern Europe was paralleled by the efforts of Pope John Paul II; both supported Solidarity in Poland.

Are there other kinds of Bolshevik?

Today's Trots work with Greens in a loose coalition. Many Greens used to be "reds". Most likely, Soros is this kind of "Bolshevik".

Soros and Popper are known for their trademark espousal of the "Open Society".

But H.G. Wells, like them an advocate of world government, wrote a book called The Open Conspiracy (1928 and 1933): opencon.html. The 1933 edition fills out Wells' scheme in greater detail; it was also published later under the title What Are We To Do With Our Lives?

The "Open Conspiracy", Wells says, is "a movement aiming at the establishment of a world directorate" (p. 33), "the world movement for the supercession or fusion of existing political, economic, and social institutions" (p. 32), "the working religion of most sane and energetic people" (p. 73).

In some respects, Wells' vision is Marxist: he supported the decolonisation movement, and has even been touted as one of the authors of Woodrow Wilson's 14-Point Plan (David C. Smith, H.G. Wells: Desperately Mortal, pp. 238 & 431).

In The Open Conspiracy he praises the U.S.S.R. for clearing away the old order (p. 60), and for the mental stimulation of their Five Year Plans, in the sense that through them "the idea of reorganizing the affairs of the world on quite a big scale", previously seen as utopian, came to be widely seen as realistic (p. 15); the world government he advocates would be anti-racist (p. 63), anti-nationalist (p. 73) and cosmopolitan. It would aim at eliminating sickness, famine and tyranny, and prevent over-population (p. 28).

Yet in other respects, Wells is quite anti-Marxist: "In practice Marxism is found to work out in a ready resort to malignantly destructive activities, and to be so uncreative as to be practically impotent in the face of material difficulties" (p. 45). "If now we reject the error and accept the truth, we lose the delusive comfort of belief in that magic giant, the Proletariat, who will dictate, arrange, restore, and create, but we clear the way for the recognition of an elite of intelligent, creative-minded people scattered through the whole community" (p.45).

Wells' criticism of "Marxism" in this book of 1933 should be read as an attack on Stalinism. This is because he was a leading supporter of the early Soviet regime. Wells and the Webbs supported Trotsky (against Stalin) at the time of his Expulsion from the USSR: wells-lenin-league.html.

Is the Open Society also the Open Conspiracy for World Government? opensoc.html

Soros gave money to Andrei Sakharov, and Gorbachev stated his admiration for him.

Sakharov proclaimed himself a Marxist & Leninist, expounded Marxism as a Scientific Principle, equated Stalin to Hitler, and set out a program of Convergence towards World Government that seems similar to the path Gorbachev later pursued.

Gorbachev never pardoned Solzhenitsyn, but he pardoned Sakharov on December 9, 1986, soon after coming to power, as shown in the following KGB file:

Convergence was a Jewish-inspired movement (Trotskyist and/or Zionist) attempting to REGAIN control of Russia by returning it to its Trotskyist period: stalin.html.

At the same time, they would impose Trotskyist social policies in the West, including the destruction of the family: engagement.html.

In both cases, getting rid of "anti-Semitism" was an important component of the "reform".

Soros presents the Open Society as a defender of freedom. What about the imprisoning & fining of scholars (I don't mean demagogues) who contest the current pro-minorities politics, or dispute the Nazi Holocaust? Is that consistent with the Open Society? Has Soros ever opposed such policies?

More at convergence.html.

At the World Economic Forum, Soros is giving speeches on the inside, while Chomsky's Trotskyist supporters are at the barricades outside. Yet the policy differences between Soros and Chomsky are small.

Both oppose Capitalism. Both promote minorities. Soros supports World Government openly, and Chomsky does so implicitly. Both say that the elite "manufactures consent" via the media, a media which neither of them notices is largely Jewish-managed and owned. Both blame the imperialists for getting us into wars not approved by the UN (Soros does not mind wars that ARE approved), but neither notices the Jewish lobby's pressure for those very wars.

George Soros chose Karl Popper as his guru; but Popper "blessed" Soros & his Open Society Foundation by accepting the first "Open Society Prize" from him, and by delivering a lecture at his Central European University in Prague - items #3, 4 and 5.

(2) The true story of Soros the Golem Executive Intelligence Review SPECIAL REPORT April 1997.

{p. 18} George Soros is not only one of the world's leading megaspeculators; throughout his entire life up to this day, he has served as an "errand boy" for the Anglo-American monetarist establishment, running looting operations against the nations of Eastern Europe, as well as attacks against the sovereignty of nations ... in September 1992, "in an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation with the Bank of England," Soros destroyed the British pound and the Italian lira and made $12 billion in profit from his speculation, as he later bragged in an interview. ...

{p. 19} Using leveraged loans, Soros raised $40 billion to outspend the Germans. How he was able to do this, remains a mystery: first, there was the fact that a speculator like Soros is able to borrow on a margin of 5%, borrowing $1 billion for just $50 million. Second, Soros had ties to those very British oligarchic circles (epitomized by the Rothschilds) which wanted to undermine the Bundesbank, at the same time that they considered the pound sterling to be overvalued. Third, Soros had extensive lines of highly leveraged credit with banks like Citibank N.A., which is one of two custodians of Quantum. And, fourth, U.S. intelligence sources charge that Soros has access to a 'hot money" crowd in Israel, politically associated with the Eretz Yisroel goals of Gen. Ariel Sharon. These provide some leads as to how Soros was able to beat the Bundesbank and destroy the ERM.

3. Soros the 'philanthropist' and his Open Society Fund

Soros is no Robin Hood. He has been using his largesse, especially since his $1-2-billion profit from devaluing the pound and lira, to spread the sort of von Hayek "free market" economics that has destroyed nations. The Open Society Fund, which was the first Soros foundation created in 1979, has, since December 1993, folded into the Open Society Institute-New York. This Institute, together with an Open Society Institute-Budapest formed in the same year, and now an Open Society Institute-Moscow, formed in 1995, are the sinews for 24 Soros national foundations in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as South Africa and Haiti. All of these foundations, of which George Soros is chairman, are dedicated to his concept of the open society and a "free market economy." As he puts it: "Open society does not preclude the pursuit of self-interest. On the contrary, in the absence of perfect knowledge, it is best left to the individual to define what his interests are, and it is best left to the market mechanism to reconcile those interests." Total 1994 expenditures for all Soros foundations were approximately $300 million. The OSI-New York is primus inter pares among Soros's various foundations. In September 1993, Soros appointed Aryeh Neier to be president of the OSI-New York. (For 12 years, Neier had been executive director of the Soros-funded Human Rights Watch, and before that, he worked for eight years as national director of the American Civil Liberties Union, or ACLU.) ...

4. Spreading von Hayek's free market economics

Through his Open Society Foundations, whose activities we detail below, George Soros positioned himself, long before communism fell, as the man who, on behalf of Anglo-American banking interests and the IMF, tried to put into place the mechanism for the economic and political "transition" to occur in the Eastern European countries. He became a staunch advocate of the policy of "shock therapy," which was approved by British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her close associate Sir George Bush, after the Berlin Wall had fallen. Along with former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker. who is today North American chairman of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission; Citibank vice-chairman H. Anno Ruding, who was formerly with the IMF; and Harvard Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Soros had a big hand in creating the Polish model of "shock therapy." (As previously mentioned, Sachs drew Soros's attention through his work in implementing IMF-style "shock therapy" in Bolivia.) In his book, Underwriting Democracy, Soros sums up his experience with the Polish shock therapy model: "I considered it essential to demonstrate that the political transtormation could result in economic improvement. Poland was the place where this could be accomplished. I prepared the broad

{p. 20} outlines of a comprehensive economic program, It had three ingredients: monetary stabilization, structural changes. and debt reorganization. I argued that the three obJectives could he accomplished better in combination than separately ... I proposed a kind of macroeconomic debt for equity swap,, . . I showed the plan to Geremek and Professor Treziakowski, who headed the economic roundtable in the talks that preceded the transfer of power, and they were both enthusiastic. ... I joined forces with Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Harvard University, who was advocating a similar program. and sponsored his work in Poland through the Stefan Batory Foundation ... The IMF approved and the program went into effect on Jan. 1, 1990. It was very tough on the population, but people were willing to take a lot of pain in order to see real change. .. . Inflation has been reduced, but the outcome still hangs in the balance because structural adjustment is slow in coming. Production has fallen by 30%, but employment has fallen by 3%. This means the entrenched management of state enterprises is using the respite it gained from wage claims to improve its profit margins and keep the workers employed, There is an unholy alliance between management and labor that will be hard to break,"

Whether we look at Poland or at Hungary, Russia, or Ukraine - in each of those cases, Soros argued in favor of radical free market economy, privatization. and IMF conditionalities so as to impose monetary discipline. ...

5. The Shatalin Plan: shock therapy approach for the former Soviet Union

With the backing of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachov and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Soros reached the height of his inf1uence in the Soviet Union when he was asked to assemble a team- including Jeffrey Sachs and Romano Prodi of Italy - to critique the Shatalin Plan, which was based upon IMF-style "shock therapy." "I was a great supporter of the so-called Shatalin Plan," Soros writes in Soros on Soros. "...

{p. 21} If Gorhachov had accepted the plan, he would have remained in power and the Soviet Union could have been reformed, instead of disintegrating."

In Underwriting Democracy, Soros said of the So-

{p. 22} viet Union's heavy-industry sector: "We may view the gigantic hydroelectric dams, the steel plants, the marble halls of the Moscow subway, and the skyscrapers of Stalinist architecture as so many pyramids built by a modern pharaoh." In a Jan. 4, 1993 commentary in the Washingtan Post, Soros harped on this monetarist theme:

"... The social safety net would also provide a powerful incentive to shut down loss-making enterprises. Factories could be idled and the raw materials and energy that go into production could be sold for more than the output."

Thus, Soros proposed shutting down the entire military-industrial base of the former Soviet Union in order to sell its energy and raw material inputs cheaply abroad, in exchange for a few crusts of bread. ... Since his proposal that Russia unload its raw materials and energy, through such Soros allies as Marc Rich - fugitive financier in Switzerland - Russian raw materials ranging from gold to aluminum have been looted, along with energy resources. In fact, Rich dumped so much Russian aluminum on the London Metal Exchange at one point, that he halved the price and still made a profit. This activity has fuelled the growth of the Russian Mafia.

6. The human rights mafia

One of George Soros's earliest experiments in "human rights" is a group known as Charter 77 (C77), which works closely with the Helsinki Citizens Assembly (HCA). ... C77 is part of the interconnected web of the "human rights" mafia, which in turn overlaps the drug legalization lobby, as exemplified in the case of Human Rights Watch, for which Soros is a prominent financier. Human Rights Watch (HRW), and its close ally, the British Foreign Office's Amnesty International, have established themselves as a tightly coordinated international hit squad against nations which oppose free trade and globalization; they package their attacks as campaigns against "human rights" violations. Human Rights Watch World Report 1995 launched a violent attack on those individuals and governments who share "a vision that equate[s] economic self-interest with the common good," and it labels that outlook a "mercantilist threat" to its concept of "human rights."

{p. 32} Chapter 4 The secret financial network behind George Soros by William Engdahl

The reality behind George Soros is something other than his carefully cultivated media image. ... George Soros is merely the visible face of a vast and very nasty network of private financial interests, controlled by the leading aristocratic and royal families of Europe. ...

{p. 33} Rather than use the direct powers of state to achieve crucial geopolitical goals, a secret cross-linked vast holding of private financial interests, tied to the old aristocratic oligarchy of Western Europe, was developed. It was in many ways modelled on the 17th-century British or Dutch East India Company models. According to knowledgeable sources, the center of this Club of the Isles is the financial center of the old British Empire, the City of London. George Soros is a member of what were called in medieval days Hofjuden, or "Court Jews," who were and are run by this powerful, secretive network of aristocratic old families.

... Soros speculates in world financial markets through his secret offshore company, Quantum Fund N.V., a wholly private investment fond called a "hedge fund." ( Hedge funds have been identified by international police agencies as the fastest-growing outlet for illegal money laundering today.) ... Soros's Quantum Fund is registered in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, the Caribbean tax haven - so he avoids paying taxes, and also hides the nature of his investors, and what he does with their money. By moving his legal headquarters to Curacao. Soros was able to avoid the kind of U.S. government supervision of his financial activities, that any U.S.-based investment fund must agree to, in order to operate. The Netherland Antilles, a possession of the Kingdom of Holland, has repeatedly been cited by the International Task Force on Money Laundering of the OECD as one of the world's most important centers for laundering the illegal proceeds of the Latin American cocaine and other drug traffic.

Soros has also taken care that none of the 99 individual investors who form his various funds, is an American national. By U.S. securities law, a hedge fund is limited to no more than 99 investors of highly wealthy individuals, so-called "sophisticated investors." By structuring his investment company as an offshore hedge fund, Soros avoids public scrutiny. Soros himself is not even on the board of Quantum Fund. Instead, for legal reasons, he serves as official "Investment Advisor" to Quantum Fund N.V. through his company, Soros Fund Management, of 888 Seventh Avenue, New York City. If any demand be made of Soros to reveal the details of Quantum Fund, he can claim he is "merely its investment adviser."

... According to knowledgeable U.S. and European investigators, Soros is part of a circle which includes Marc Rich of Zug, Switzerland and Tel Aviv, the indicted metals and commodity speculator and fugitive; Shaul Eisenberg, the secretive Israeli arms and commodities dealer; and "Dirty Rafi" Eytan - both linked to the financial side of the Israeli Mossad, and to the family of Jacob Lord Rothschild.

Understandably, Soros and the Rothschild interests prefer to keep their connection hidden far from public view, so as to obscure the powerful friends Soros can claim in the City of London, the British Foreign Office, Israel, and the U.S. financial establishment. The myth has therefore been created that Soros is a lone financial investment "genius" who, through sheer personal brilliance in detecting shitts in markets, has become one of the world' s most successful speculators. According to those who know him and have done business with him, Soros never makes a major investment move, whether against the pound or the franc or gold, without sensitive, high-level insider information. On the board of directors of Soros's Quantum Fund N.V. is Richard Katz. Katz is a Rothschild man who is also on the board of the London N.M. Rothschild & Sons merchant bank, and the head of Rothschild Italia S.p.A. of Milan. Another Rothschild family link to Soros's Quantum Fund is Quantum board member Nils O. Taube. Taube is the partner of the London investment group, St. James Place Capital, whose major partner is Lord Rothschild. The London Times columnist, William Lord Rees-Mogg, is also on the board of Rothschild's St. James Place Capital.

{p. 34} Another member of the board of Soros's Quantum Fund is the head of one of the most controversial Swiss private banks, Edgar de Picciotto, who has been called "one of the cleverest bankers in Geneva," ... De Picciotto is a long-time friend and business associate of Edmund Safra, another Lebanese-born banker who controls the Republic Bank of New York. Safra's Republic Bank today has been identified in U.S. investigations into Russian organized crime, as the bank involved in transferring billions of U.S. Federal Reserve notes from New York to organized crime-controlled Moscow banks, on behalf of Russian organized crime. As well, Safra is under investigation by U.S. and Swiss authorities for laundering Turkish and Colombian drug money. ...

George Soros's relation to the secretive international Rothschild finance circle represents no ordinary or casual banking connection. It goes a long way toward explaining the extraordinary success of a mere private speculator, and Soros's uncanny ability to "gamble right" so many times in such high-risk markets. Soros has access to the "insider track" in some of the most important government and private channels in the world. Since the Second World War, the legendary Rothschild finance family, at the heart of the financial apparatus of the Club of the Isles, has gone to great lengths to mislead, to create for itself a public aura of insignificance, behind which stands one of the world's most powerful and murkiest financial combinations. The family has spent significant sums cultivating a public image as a family of wealthy but quiet "gentlemen," ...

{p. 35} Among other things, they have wished to become known, since 1948, as being devoted to the cause of the new state of Israel, playing on the world's outrage over the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews during World War II. Indeed, since British Foreign secretary Arthur Balfour wrote his famous November 1917 letter to Lord Rothschild expressing official British government backing for establishment in Palestine of a national homeland for the Jews, the Rothschilds have been intimately involved in the creation of Israel. It is no surprise, therefore, to find that today Soros and Rothschild have ties to Israeli intelligence, as well as to British and American.

But behind their public facade as a family donating money for useful projects such as planting trees in the deserts of Israel, N.M. Rothschild of London is at the center of various intelligence operations ...

N.M. Rothschild is considered by City of London insiders to be one of the most influential components of that part of the British Intelligence establishment tied to the Thatcher "free market" wing of the Tory Party. Rothschild & Sons made huge sums managing for Thatcher the privatization of billions of dollars of British state industry holdings during the 1980s, and today, for John Major's government. As well, Rothschilds is at the very heart of the world gold trade, being the bank at which, twice daily, the London Gold Fix is struck by a group of the five most influential gold trade banks. Gold forms a major part of the economy of drug dealings globally.

But N.M. Rothschild & Sons is also implicated in some of the filthiest drugs-for-weapons secret intelligence operations. Because it is well-connected to the highest levels of the British Intelligence establishment, Rothschilds managed to evade prominent mention of its complicity in one of the more sordid covert intelligence networks, that of BCCI (Bank of Commerce and Credit International). Rothschilds was at the heart of the vast international web of money-laundering banks used during the 1970s and 1980s, by Britain's MI-6 and the network of Lt. Col. Oliver North and Vice President George Bush, to finance such projects as the Nicaraguan Contras.

On June 8, 1993, the chairman of the Banking Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives, Henry Gonzalez of Texas, made an extraordinary speech in which he charged that the U.S. government, under the Bush and Reagan administrations, had systematically refused to prosecute BCCI, and that the Department of Justice had repeatedly refused to cooperate with Congressional investigations into the BCCI scandal, as well as what Gonzalez said was the intimately related scandal of the Atlanta, Ga. branch of Banca Nationale del Lavoro (BNL), which was alleged to have made billions of dollars in loans from the Bush administration to Saddam Hussein, just prior to the Gulf War of 1 990-91. ...

But, what has never been identified in a single major Western press investigation, was that the Rothschild group tied to George Soros was at the heart of the vast illegal web of BCCI.

{p. 36} ... According to these reports, among Soros's silent investors are - as mentioned above - the reclusive fugitive metals and oil trader. Marc Rich, based in Zug, Switzerland, and Israeli arms merchant Shaul Eisenberg, who has been identified as a decades-long member of lsraeli Mossad intelligence, and who functions as a major arms merchant throughout Asia and the Near East.

{p. 39} Central European University and the intellectual subversion of Central and Eastern Europe

by Mark Burdman

George Soros -or what might be called the "George Soros spider web of institutions" - is at the center of a vast cultural-political operation of deconstruction in Central and Eastern Europe, and throughout the territory of the former Soviet Union. The focal point of this endeavor is the Soros-created and Soros-patronized Central European University, based primarily in Budapest, but with important branches in Warsaw and Prague.

The CEU represents an effort to impose what might be called 'cultural determinism" throughout the formerly communist areas. After having lived for decades under communism, the targetted populations are beingo offered a completely irrational notion of "freedom," the components of which include the following "doctrines": that any attempt to affirm a scientifically grounded intelligible truth is "totalitarian"; that the sovereign nation-state is evil, and is opposed to the "individual"; that economic liberalism is a good thing. Typical of the mentality involved, is a series of annual conferences on "The Individual vs. the State," co-sponsored by Soros's New York City-based Open Society Institute and the CEU. Equally relevant was the visiting professorship at CEU of arch-deconstructionist theoretician Jacques Derrida.

{p. 40} At least one Soros conference was co-sponsored by the New York Council on Foreign Relations, the American branch of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. During 1996, Soros himself greatly upgraded his work with the CFR. He headed a CFR task force, on the theme of why the United States should increasingly subordinate itself to the supranational United Nations Organization. He wrote a piece on the European economic and political situation, for the CFR' s Foreign Affairs Journal. Knowledgeable sources have told EIR that Soros has pumped considerable sums of money into the CFR. although this has not been independently confirmed.

Additionally, the nexus of foundations that turn up, at one point or another ... include the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (most prominently), the German Marshall Fund, the Mott Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and the Washington, D.C.-based Eurasian Foundation.

Soros, Communitarianism, and the Frankfurt School

One should see Soros's deconstructionist push eastward as parallel to. and in symbiosis with, related deconstructionist movements in the Western world. What needs to be stressed, is the symbiosis or mutual interaction between the Soros cultural-ideological offensive in Eastern and Central Europe, and the evolution of the movement of "Communitarianism" in the United States, Germany, Britain, and other Western countries. At the July 12-14, 1996 First Communitarian Summit in Geneva. Communitarian founder-guru Amitai Etzioni said: "Iam very close to George Soros, we have been friends for 25 years." He said that Soros was very supportive of his efforts. and he insisted that Soros's support was not strictly a question of money.

If one looks at the curriculum for the Political Science Department ot the CEU in Budapest, one finds a course given hy Department head Janos Kic, a leading communist-era figure in Hungary's 'democracy movement" and an important individual at the CEU. The course is described thus: "Theoretical models: utilitarianism, contractarianism, hermaneutics, substantive conceptions: liberalism, communitarianism, civic republicanism." The section of the prospectus on Political Science begins with a photograph of Professor Charles Taylor of McGill University in Canada, constantly cited by the "communitarians" in their literature as being one of their leading philosophers. Similarly, a key Soros colleague, Lord Ralf Dahrendorf of St. Antony' s College, Oxford, is a regular contributor to the Communitarian house journal, The Responive Community. ...

{end of EIR material}

To purchase this Report from Executive Intelligence Review:

Although Lyndon Larouche is branded an "AntiSemite" by the Sharon-Netanyahu faction of Zionists, his organisation is said to include a number of Jews at a high level. Executive Intelligance Review has regularly reported on Soros' activities, especially in connection with the "Asia Crisis". The following item is from Vol. 24, #44, October 31, 1997:

Soros's financial warfare is under increasing investigation

by Gail G. Billington and Cynthia Rush

George Soros is facing new, possibly criminal investigations into his hostile hedge-fund-centered speculation against Asian currencies and stock markets. Despite the best efforts of the mouthpieces of Wall Street and London to spiff up his public image, as the contagion of Soros-style financial hit-and-run attacks spreads to Taiwan and Hongkong, and continues to devastate the weakened nations of Southeast Asia, these nations are aggressively organizing, bilaterally, regionally, and internationally, to put this looting on the agenda of every major intemational meeting through the end of 1997.

Nor are Soros's problems limited to Asia. His name dogged President Clinton throughout his tour of three Ibero-American nations on Oct. 12-18; and, thanks to EIR, public debate on Soros's sordid activities erupted in Argentina, during a press conference with U.S. White House drug policy adviser, Gen. Barry McCaffrey (ret.). The President didn't mention Soros's name in public, but Argentine figures who met with Clinton privately, said he expressed concern that Asian-style monetary instability might erupt in Argentina and throughout Ibero-America.

The attacks on Soros, launched by Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in late July, and, again, with renewed pungency, at the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Annual Meeting in Hongkong in September, have served as a rallying cry that is now being echoed among "emerging market" nations worldwide. The intensity of this momentum increases in tandem with the spread of the financial hemorrhaging, and the view that the crisis is spinning out of the control of the IMF.

Following the Oct. 20-23 hedge-fund assault that sank the Hongkong exchange 23%, and parallel attacks which forced Taiwanese authorities to float their currency on Oct. 17, Denmark's Jyllands-Posten headlined its report on Oct. 22, "The Taiwanese Financial Oversight Board Is Opening Up Investigations Against George Soros." The lead article in the paper's two-page coverage reported, "Taiwan and South Korea have become victims of the unpredictable market forces which to a large extent are controlled by the computers of secret funds, hunting paper-thin exchange margins and, again, the American multi-speculator and political philanthropist George Soros is in the focus.... The Futures and Securities Commission (FSC) of Taiwan has now opened up an investigation into the transactions of George Soros's multibillion-dollar fund on the Taiwanese futures exchange and on the Singapore Monetary Exchange, SIMEX. The FSC thinks that the speculations of Soros's fund was one of the primary reasons for the panic sellings which Friday last week and Monday this week, cost almost 15% on the stock exchange index." An FSC spokesman says, "Mr. Soros has put our markets under extraordinary pressure through his speculative trading on the SIMEX. Our investigations have not been completed yet, and we have not yet decided what actions to take."

The paper reported that on Dec. 2, the finance and economics ministers of the Asian nations will meet in Japan to draft the charter of the Asian Monetary Fund (AMF), the $100 billion fund proposed by Japan at the IMF meeting in September, with the support of China, South Korea, Taiwan, ASEAN, and with a positive nod from U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin. During bilateral talks in Tokyo between Thai officials and their Japanese allies and creditors in early October, Thai Finance Minister Thanong Bidaya told reporters, "The purpose of the Asia fund is to round up the funding requirements and the contributions of Asian countries in case of a crisis, and it is a good idea. But somehow it has been delayed. Why not put it in the APEC forum? Why just keep it in Asia? The IMF will not have enough to deal with any crisis by itself, and [the AMI;l is an effort to prepare something solid."

Japan's Deputy Finance Minister Eisuke Sakakibara toured Asian capitals during Oct. 14-22 to discuss the AMF idea, which several leaders have said could be used to blunt the effect of crises caused "by accident." As Thanong Bidaya's comments suggest, the AMF, which was the subject of discussions in 1995 between influential Japanese circles and ElR's Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche, will not solve the crises hitting these countries today. It would, however, blunt the worst effects of IMF "conditionalities" in the transition to complete overhaul of global monetary arrangements.

Soros on the hot seat

There has been no letup in organizing on this theme since the IMF Annual Meeting. Malaysia's Dr. Mahathir continues to act as a spokesman in this effort, taking up the subject during his Sept. 25-Oct. 5 tour of four Ibero-American nations (see EIR, Oct. 10 and 17, 1997), where, despite a delayed reaction of the press and institutions, his message re-emerged in headline stories in Venezuela and Brazil, which greeted President Clinton upon his arrival in those nations. The stories linked Dr. Mahathir's call for reining in the speculators, to the AMF, and to LaRouche's Urgent Appeal for a New Bretton Woods Monetary agreement. ...

{end of EIR material}

(3) George Soros' International School of Youth Corruption, by Marek Glogoczowski

(The slightly enlarged version of speech delivered by Marek Glogoczowski during the EU(RO)-skeptic Youth Camp held at Ljublana, Slovenia, Sept. 26-27, 2001.)

George Soros is a businessman-philanthropist, whose activities are known to professionals worldwide. In USA he operates the Institute of Open Society, in countries belonging to the former Soviet Block he operates a number of similar foundations, which in case of Poland holds the "royal" name of Bathory Foundation. These "philanthropist" institutions have ? or had ? a substantial influence on composition of consecutive post-communist governments in Eastern Europe, especially governments of big countries - in Poland, with George Soros Fund are linked three first "independent" Prime Ministers (Mazowiecki, Bielecki, Suchocka); in Russia to Soros' "boys" belong such ardent reformers as PM Gajdar, Kirylenko and Niemcov. In his book "Underwriting Democracy" of 1993, George Soros claims to be ? together with his associate, professor Jeffrey Sachs ? a true Funding Father (or rather a Godfather) of all these "Protocols of Zion" styled reforms, which we had to suffer in Eastern Europe.

Today, with Soros Fund is linked in Poland the most influential journal "Gazeta Wyborcza" ? which journal already in 1989 paved the way for the "Solidarity" electoral victory over PZPR, the declining at that time Polish Communist Party. In Slovakia with Soros' Invisible Empire is linked the TV station "Markiza", which helped to remove, during 1998 elections, the supposedly undemocratic Meciar's government. Inside Serbia the Soros Fund operated in Kosovo, until 1999 NATO bombings, a Civil Center in Pristina, which fought for the national independence of the local Albanian majority, and in Belgrade it still operates the famous 'Radio B-92", which played a substantial role in anti-Milosevic's student riots in 1996/7. (And than, in October 2000, it helped the "civilized" ? i.e. bulldozer and Parliament fire assisted ? destruction of the last socialist regime in Europe.) At present many of Soros Fund linked intellectuals are in key positions of institutions controlling economies and cultures of former East Block countries, and in Budapest this Foundation operates a whole International University of Central Europe. George Soros plays also an important role in USA foreign politics, already in 1980 he organized, together with his close associates, Secretaries of State Zbig Brzezinsky and Mad Albraight, a National Endowment for Democracy (NED) fund, which is a kind of joint venture of CIA and private business, greed oriented, activities.

The best summary of George Soros humanitarian activities in South-East Europe gave Gilles d'Aymery in an article "Mapping the Human Rights Crowd in the Balkans" published on July 23, 2001 in the Jugoinfo vitrine:

"Behind the veil of legitimacy and humanitarian concerns can be found the same powerful people and organizations such as the Open Society Institute of the billionaire and - as always characterized - philanthropist, George Soros, the Ford Foundation, the United States Institute of Peace, the National Endowment for Democracy and many more, financing and using a maze of well known NGO's such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Crisis Group, etc., as well as more obscure entities ... But, among all of them, shining as the Southern star, is George Soros who, like an immense Jules Verne octopus, extends his tentacles all over Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus as well as the republics of the former Soviet Union. With the help of these various groups (it is possible) not only to shape but to create the news, the agenda and public opinion to further aims which are, in short, the control of the world, its natural resources and the furtherance of the uniform ideal of a perfect world polity made in America."

Despite such richness of this philanthropist activities, the general public hardly knows his name. During our meeting at Ljublana, young, 20 ? 25 years old, EU sceptics from several countries virtually ignored the name of Soros, my equal age, 59 years old Swiss German friend from Zurich wrote me that in his well informed country perhaps 2 percent of people knows about this billionaire. And in Poland surely no more than 10 percent of adult population knows who was the true author of widely despised "Balcerowicz's reforms". Despite this "educated" public ignorance, Soros' "missionary" role is perceptible at the planetary scale: according to Schiller's Institute data, the "man of Soros" in the European Commission is professor Romano Prodi, in Malaysia our philanthropist is officially searched for enormous financial frauds, and in Italy he is officially considered persona non grata for similar reasons. We can take for granted that these last facts are only summits of a whole "iceberg" of fraudulent affairs in which our billionaire-philanthropist-politician is ? or was ? engaged in. The mystery of his success in world-wide speculation George Soros explained in a surprisingly honest statement, during an interview he gave to the Swiss weekly "L"hebdo" of May 1993. He said "I SPECULATE ON DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE REALITY AND THE PUBLIC IMAGE OF THIS REALITY, UNTIL A CORRECTIONAL MECHANISM OCCURS, WHICH APPROACHES THESE TWO." It is evident that a skillful speculator is not used to wait passively until such discrepancy occurs. To the contrary, with his "creativity of an investor" he purposefully enlarges the gap between the 'real reality' and its public image. (To put this statement into a plain language, a good speculator, knowing principles of the stock exchange, is feeding the public with the fake information ? or, in more polite words, with DISINFORMATION ? in order to gather personal profits.) The "liberal' idea of a purposeful construction of a fake image of the world ? in order to get the political power ? is also expressed in Soros' book "Underwriting democracy' (in French version "Sauver la démocratie a l'Est") published in 1993. He writes there for example: "In a normal state of affairs it is necessary that a movement (a political one, but also commercial, scientific and religious ones ? M.G.) is pushed sufficiently far, before forces occur, which are able to correct the deformation (of image of reality) which was at its base." Putting this statement once again into a plain language, it means that the more aggressively a person ? or a group, a coterie or a Mafia ? is able to lie-up the image of reality, the longer this group is expected to remain in power. (The same maintained Goebbels 70 years ago: the bigger the lie is, the better it holds.)

George Soros even explains in detail how the elaborated by him program of "Americanization' of Eastern Europe works. He informs in "Underwriting Democracy" that behind his philanthropic idea of creation of Open Society Foundations was "the creation of an international web (...) at the heart of which will be the computerized base of (personal) data, which enable the Western Multinational Societies to find candidates, which they are searching for"g'. In short, all these Soros-Fundation educated and kept in computer memories young men and women are prepared to fulfill functions of so-called "influence agents', which behave in a way similar to that of Japanese geishas. These Young Urban Professionals, thanks to their fluent knowledge of languages and multiple, delicate social contacts with bureaucracy in target countries, facilitate the implementation in their homelands not only of Western Multinationals, but also of Western sub-cultures and Western habits of consumption of appropriate, personality enriching, commercial goods. For the first time I heard that Soros Fundation corrupts young people, from the mouth of Piotr Ikonowicz, about twenty years younger than me leader of the Polish Socialist Party. How does this corruption is organized in detail? In general it takes the form of an ordinary training very similar to the one practiced while teaching young dogs to bark at a "stranger'. In case of 'education' of "Soros youth" (SorosJugend) the "food" necessary for such training consists of all these computers, lavish scholarships, luxury cars and invitations for dinners and seminars in four stars hotels. In general this was/is sufficient to bribe not only the young but also adult "intellectuals" in a target country. An example of this gave few years ago the former finance minister of Poland, Grzegorz Kolodko, in a Warsaw satirical "Nie" weekly. He reported there the story how a "well known investor' (his name he dared not to disclose) was able to buy, only at the cost of few dozens of millions of dollars spent for Warsaw's "elite", the Polish Bank Handlowy having the value of 1,5 billion of dollars.

The specific task of all these Bathory Foundation trained 'watchdogs' of Open Society consist of "barking" (in tune with Their Master's Voice), against all individuals which may endanger the Private Property of 'feeding' them Lord. Observing the behavior of journalists linked with this 'watchdog' formation, one finds easily that all their vigor and sense of humor is exploited for the task of continuous, monotonous defamation of national leaders, which have an authentic, popular support. (This was the case, for example, of Soros/NED sponsored Students in Market Theology "Otpor" movement in Serbia; the similar baiting of Lukashenko we witness today in Belorussia.)

Once competent people are removed from key posts of a target country, its pillage, by the gang of "Global Investors", can proceed at full speed, thanks to utter cretins (like Walesa or Buzek in Poland), or opportunists (like Djindzic in Serbia), which get installed at commands of the state. It is evident that in order to obtain the public (i.e. media) consent for such 'reforms', all more observant and honest people have to disappear from the public life. Usually it is sufficient to associate them with despised (by "Soros' Family", of course) 'communists, fascists, reactionaries and populists'; but in particular cases it becomes necessary to kidnap them to the Hague's ICTY. (Or simply, to murder them by the 'invisible death squads" ? inside Serbia, after Milosevic was ousted from power, about 20 personalities were liquidated in this way.) The best, and at the same the shortest description of the general direction of all "reforms" we have in Eastern Europe was given to me, in May 1999, by an old professor of Slavic literature, Vladimir Bozkov from Skopie, Macedonia. At that time he witnessed nearly every day how B-52 bombers fly towards his former homeland. Impressed by this techno-spectacle he told me, during our meeting at Moscow, "Oni chotiat' ubit' vsiech umnych ljudi": (THEY WANT TO KILL ALL THINKING PEOPLE). I think that this is the essential goal, which our beloved "Global Investors" are aiming at.

The very ethics of "misinformation as a tool of survival and conquest" belongs to the "aristocratic" pattern of behavior, which spontaneously developed among Stock Exchange players. It is already in 1813 brothers Johannes and Nathan Rotschild, by a skillful, gossiped at London's & Paris Stock Exchanges, lie about the outcome of the Waterloo battle, were able to earn in one "scoop" 40 million francs, making out of their family the richest Banking Group in Europe. (By the way, according to Schiller's Institute, George Soros is associated with this famous Rotschild Banking Group.)

Here I come to the point, which I want to stress in the conclusion. Already in the Antiquity the Greek philosopher Socrates argued that (in contradiction with the Biblical version of original sin) people are not evil by their nature, but they are becoming evildoers out of their ignorance. The Global Stock Exchange is by its very nature the place where the MISINFORMATION (or the production of ignorances) has become the principal source of personal enrichment of 'Investors'. By an imitation of Stock Exchange 'Super Stars' like George Soros, every day more and more numerous 'young wolves of interest' are polluting the Planet with lies supposed to bring them their selfish, pecuniary happiness. It is precisely from Stock Exchanges radiates in all directions the Lie ? and thus automatically also the Evil and Ugliness ? which has become the ever more visible symbol of Our Civilization. (By the way, these B-52 bombers, which 2,5 years ago impressed so much professor Bozkov from Skopie, I can see at present over Tatra Mountains, during their return to Germany from antiterrorist missions in Afghanistan.)

Stock Exchanges and bourgeois Banks were permitted to operate only in 16 century Europe by our religious reformers, dreaming about 'New Jerusalem'. We can trace thus the origin of these modern 'Temples of Lie', back to the Old Jerusalem's Temple of Merchants two thousand years ago. At that time Jewish dissidents considered their Temple of Hypocrites as "brigands cavern". Considering this last expression as an 'approaching the reality' description, we can take for sure that nothing will turn for a better in our Brave (observe the military stout of Americans!) World until we kick Global Investors out of our homelands.

MG, November 2001


(4) In June 1994, Popper gave a lecture at Soros' Central European University in Prague

Sir Karl Popper

Sir Karl Popper, for whom the Karl Popper Debate Program is named, is well known for his important contributions to the philosophy of science, political theory, and sociology. With his 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies, Popper is responsible for popularizing the notion of "open society" a concept which would come to have a significant influence on the philosophy that underpins George Soros's philanthropic activities.

Simply stated, an open society is a form of social organization based on the recognition that nobody has a monopoly on the truth, that different people have different views and interests, and that there is a need for institutions to protect the rights of all people to allow them to live together in peace. As becomes apparent from this definition, debate is an integral component of an open society.

{What about the Nazi Holocaust as dogma, i.e. beyond debate; is this consistent with "open-ness"? Not only is debate a jailable offense, but the archaeological excavation of human remains, which might resolve the issue, is rejected}

... It was while pursuing a Masters degree at LSE that George Soros first came into close contact with Popper and his ideas. While he did not study directly under the philosopher, Soros submitted several essays to Popper for his consideration and review. In 1962, well after he had finished his studies, Soros wrote a philosophical treatise entitled, "The Burden of Consciousness." Soros sent this work to Popper, who was extremely supportive and encouraging of Soros's ideas. Their association continued, growing closer over the years. In June 1994, Popper delivered a lecture at the Central European Univeristy in Prague, which Soros had established as a intellectual center to promote the ideals of open society in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. .... {end}

(5) Soros awarded Popper the first "Open Society Prize"

(5.1) (What Soros Really Wants)

... The "Open Society Prize" Awarding Ceremony: The first winner of the Prize, Sir Karl Popper is decorated by George Soros who delivers a short address on the occasion. Sir Karl was by the 92 years of age and would die several months later.


Article last updated: 2:56pm, December 23, 2003 Database last updated: 3:20pm, January 09, 2004

Karl Raimund Popper (July 28, 1902 - September 17, 1994), was an Austrian-born, British philosopher of science. ...

Born in Vienna in 1902 to middle-class parents of Jewish origins, Karl Popper was educated at the University of Vienna. He took a Ph.D. in philosophy in 1928, and taught in secondary school from 1930 to 1936. In 1937, concerns about the growth of Nazism led him to emigrate to New Zealand, where he became lecturer in philosophy at Canterbury University College, Christchurch. In 1946, he moved to England to become reader in logic and scientific method at the London School of Economics, where he was appointed professor in 1949. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1965, and was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1976. He retired from academic life in 1969, though he remained intellectually active until his death in 1994. He was invested with the Insignia of a Companion of Honour in 1982.

(6) SIR KARL POPPER IN PRAGUE - the "Open Society Prize" Awarding Ceremony


Autumn 1992

Professor Hoeschl invites Sir Karl Popper to Prague. Sir Karl postpones the visit till Spring 1993 explaining that at the original date he is engaged in Kyoto where he should be awarded a prestigious prize.

Spring 1993

Sir Karl Popper's assistant, Melitta Mew, excuses Sir Karl for not coming to Prague due to possible health hazards.

Winter 1993-94

Professor Ernest Gellner, Central European University, Prague College, invites Sir Karl to give a seminar to staff and students at the Prague College. Sir Karl was delighted to accept. After coordinating his intentions with the Organizational Division of Charles University Rectorate, Professor Hoeschl renewed the invitation which Sir Karl was delighted to be in a position to accept.


Professor Hoeschl invites American financier, George Soros, together with Sir Karl, for a private dinner given by the 3rd Faculty of Medicine, and for a ceremony in Carolinum.

Monday, 23. 5.1994,


Arrival to Prague on a British Airways Flight, No. 856. Sir Karl Popper and his companions are welcomed by Prof. Hoeschl Dean of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Professor Jiri Musil, Academic Director of the Central European University in Prague, and Professor Richard Rokyta, Deputy Dean for Foreign Relations, the 3rd Faculty of Medicine.


In the Palace Hotel, Sir Karl receives Marie Heligandova, Documentary Film Company Director.

Tuesday, 24. 5.1994, 10.00

Cars of the Prague Psychiatric Centre provide a sightseeing tour around Prague. Participants: Sir Karl, Melitta Mew, Mr. Mew, Dr. Libiger. Sir Karl expresses the wish to visit the grave of Tycho Brahe and the house in which Johann Kepler had once lived. He then visited the Tynsky Church and Charles Bridge. The Johann Kepler dwelling was unpresentable.


President Havel receives Sir Karl for an almost 40-minute talk at the Prague Castle.

Wednesday, 25. 5.1994, 9.50

George Soros arrives at Ruzyne Airport on a private jet.


Sir Karl Popper and Professor Leopold Pospisil are awarded Honorary Doctorates in the Carolinum.


Sir Karl meets the Rector of Charles University; Prince Karl Schwarzenberg; George Soros; and other distinguished personalities. Wednesday Afternoon Sir Karl gives several interviews to newspapers and the Documentary Film Company.


Red Wheel Restaurant A dinner served for an intimate circle that included Sir Karl Popper, Mr. George Soros, Melitta Mew, Mr. Mew, Professor Hoschl, Professor Musil, Professor Rokyta, Dr. Libiger. What Sir Karl appreciated most were sweet pancakes. Mr. Soros ordered roast duck.

Thursday, 26.5.1994, 10.30

A panel discussion (seminar) held by Sir Karl Popper at the Prague College of the CEU.


The "Open Society Prize" Awarding Ceremony: The first winner of the Prize, Sir Karl Popper is decorated by George Soros who delivers a short address on the occasion.

Friday, 27.5.1994, 14.50

Departure of Sir Karl on the British Airways Flight, No.857.


Extract from Melitta Mew's fax message addressed to prof. Hoeschl: "Our minds are still aglow with the most& wonderful memories of our trip to Prague. The reception you and your colleagues gave Sir Karl, my husband and myself was truly heart-warming and will never be forgotten."

Thursday, June 2, 1994

Lidove Noviny, No.129, page 1: "American financier, George Soros, acquires archives of Radio Free Europe: George Soros has instructed his companies to start investing in Central and Eastern Europe. Federal Radio Television Administration accepted his offer that he would take over and fund the archives of Radio Free Europe. G. Soros intends to move the archives to Prague; he plans to spend U.S.$ 15 million on their maintenance and modernizing scheme."

(7) George Soros as "Robin Hood"? - SMH interview soon after the Asia Crisis


by Jennifer Hewett,

Sydney Morning Herald, November 15, 1997, Spectrum Features section

{Spectrum p. 1} GEORGE Soros admits he always had exaggerated expectations of himself, even an imperilled Jewish kid in wartime Hungary. "It's only recently that reality has caught up with my expectations," he says.

And then some. Reality to Soros turns out to be the rest of the world's idea of fantasy. Imagine giving $1 million to a worthy cause. Or perhaps $10 million, $100 million? Soros can and does- about $US350 million ($500 million) worth every year.

Imagine taking on the Bank of England by betting against the value of the pound and winning. Soros could and did in 1992 - making $USl billion in the process.

Imagine using the global free market to make billions several times over by speculating and then warning darkly that capitalism and free markets are increasing threats to democratic society. Soros does just that whenever he gets a chance.

{Spectrum p. 6} He is 67 now, with a shock of often tousled grey hair, a mobile, lined face and a still strong Hungarian accent in which he speaks with great firmness and certainty.

Modesty is not at issue. He is not really joking when he speaks about his early "messianic tendencies". He was too vain, he once said, to be just rich.

The result allows one unlikely individual to have an impact on people all around the world. The twin foundations of that impact are to be found in two offices in central Manhattan. One is Soros Fund Management, which operates hedge funds with $US 18 billion in assets. The basic rationale of the hedge funds is to make huge and highly leveraged bets on movements in stocks, currencies bonds and commodities - often going against the trend.

A few blocks away is the headquarters of the Soros philanthropic network, operating under the name of the Open Society Institute.

Until recently the money making and spending operations were located in rather shopworn floors of the same building. But it is the Open Society staff who have just moved into new offices.

The reach of the philanthropic and market networks is so vast and so radically different that it is hard to grasp they both come from the brain of one man.

Consider Soros's most recent big donation. He is planning ts give $US300 million to $US500 million - count it - to Russia over three years, He wants it to go health care, particularly for mothers and babies, education, cultural institutions and job training for those laid off by the now decrepit Soviet military. That compares with about $US100 million in foreign aid to Russia from the US Government last year.

But the Soros causes are remarkable in diversity as well as size. They range from $US50 million in humanitarian t aid for Bosnia to $US20 million to educate doctors and improve the experience of dying in the US to $USI million to provide scholarships for Burmese dissidents and broadcast radio programs into Burma.

There are now Soros foundations operating as a network of autonomous organisations with local independent boards of directors in 30 ountries. Not to mention any number of programs that fund universities and scientific and cultural programs across regions. ...

In a cover story in The Atlantic Monthly last January, he said the spread of market values into all areas of life was endangering democratic society. "The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat," he said. ... {soros2.html}

Mahathir was not the first to accuse him of being involved in some form of grand Jewish plot. He has become a target for the paranoias of extremists, an example, he says, of the truth that no good deed goes unpunished.

"If there was ever a man who would fit the stereotype of the Judeo-plutocratic Bolshevik Zionist world conspirator, it is me," he says with irony - and well before Mahathir had even thought about the topic.

In fact, he is noticeably neutral on the subject of Israel and says has no interest in Zionism. His mother, he says, was ashamed of being Jewish and quite anti-Semitic herself. Soros does not give to Jewish or Israeli causes and, although he supports the Middle East peace process, he says Israel should be dealing with Hamas rather than the PLO because Arafat has lost the support of the Palestinians. ...

{Spectrum p. 7} The good works of George Soros

Foundations or Institutes In: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Gumatamala, Haiti, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Tajikistan, Ukaine, Uzbekistan, Yugoslavia.

In the US, Soros supports efforts to:
¥ Assist victims of crime and find altematives to high jail populations.
¥ Help legal immigrants obtain full citizenship and rights.
¥ Broaden debate on drug policy and suggest alternatives.
¥ Improve maths and algebra education in inner-city schools.
¥ Ease the experience of dying and educate doctors on the needs of the terminally ill and their families.
¥ Solve problems of poverty, crime, drug-abuse and poor education in inner-city Baltimore.
¥ Reform election campaign financing.

Overseas, projects supported include:
¥ English language schools, mainly in central and eastern Europe.
¥ Expansion of Internet use, from public centres in Mongolia to an independent Pslaestinian web site to computer equipment for Burmese dissidents in Thailand.
¥ Promotion of contemporary artistic culture.
¥ Training Courses for publishers and booksellers, and better Iibraries and training for librarians.
¥ Special education for children vith disabilities or from underprivileged backgounds.
¥ Education for Burmese refugees and radio broadcasts into Burma in support of the democratic movement of An Suu Kyi
¥ Provision of early warning of forced migrations and response to refugee emergencies.
¥ Science education in Russia, Ukraine and Georgia.
¥ Raising public awareness of landmines and introduction of an international ban.
¥ Production of films and videos on contemporary human rights issues.
¥ Development of independent media, particularly radio, in Southern Africa. ¥ Various human rights and civic and cultural groups.
¥ Aid to Russia for improved health of mothers and babies, education, culture and job training for ex-military. ¥ University eductaion for students throughout central and eastern Europe.
¥ Study of political, econornic and social transition and privatisation policies in eastem Europe.
¥ Training and intern programs in the US for eastern European professionals.

(8) George Soros' "Alternative Journalism" donations

Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 06:16:59 +1000 From: "makichris" <>

George Soros' "Parallel Anti-War Media/Movement"

by bob feldman

Perhaps Amy Goodman should finally make full disclosure of all foundation grants that either the Pacifica Foundation, WBAI, Democracy Now, WBAI, KPFA, the Indymedia Centers, Free Speech TV, Deep Dish TV, the Pacifica Campaign or the Downtown studio from which she broadcasted in 2000 and/or in 2001 have received since 1992?

Regarding George Soros' U.S. alternative media gatekeeping/censorship network, the following recap might be of use to U.S. grassroots anti-war activists whose political work is not being subsidized by Establishment Foundations such as Billionaire Global Speculator George Soros' Open Society Institute:

1. In 1999, George Soros's Open Society Institute gave a $50,000 grant to the Nation Institute "to support project to improve performance and reach of Radio Nation, weekly public radio news and commentary program." George Soros' personal advisor for politics, Hamilton Fish III, is also a top executive at The Nation Institute.

2. In 1999, George Soros's Open Society Institute gave a $50,000 grant to the National Federation of Community Broadcasters, which used to be headed by former Pacifica Foundation Executive Director Lynn Chadwick.

3. In 1999, George Soros's Open Society Institute apparently gave a $125,000 grant to the Citizens for Independent Public Broadcasting [CIPB} group (on whose board sits FAIR/CounterSpin co-host Janine Jackson) "to cover administrative and start-up costs for launching national campaign entitled Citizens for Independent Broadcasting."

4. In 1999, George Soros's Open Society Institute gave a $78,660 grant to Don Hazen's Institute for Alternative Journalism/IMI/Alternet in San Francisco "to fund start-up of Youth Source, a youth Web site which will be part of a larger web poral, Independent Source."

5. In 1999, George Soros's Open Society Institute gave a $126,000 grant to the International Center for Global Communications Foundation "toward launch of Media Channel, first global media and democracy supersite on the Internet."

6. In 1999, George Soros's Open Society Institute gave 4 grants, totalling $118,000, to the Internews Network.

7. In 1999 George Soros's Open Society Institute gave a $12,000 grant to Downtown Community Television Center. (There's a possibility that this was the group which provided studio facilities for Democracy Now after the 1999 WBAI Christmas coup).

8. In 1999, George Soros's Open Society Institute gave a $150,000 grant to the Fund for Investigative Journalism. (Is this the same media group which provided some funding for KPFA's Dennis Bernstein during the 1990s?) 9. In 1999, George Soros' Open Society Institute gave a $35,000 grant to American Prospect magazine.

10. In 1999, George Soros's Open Society Institute gave a $30,000 grant to the Center for Defense Information.

11. In 1999, George Soros's Open Society Institute gave a $75,000 grant to the Center for Investigative Reporting.

12. In 1999, George Soros's Open Society Institute gave 4 grants, totalling $220,000 to the Committee to Protect Journalists--on whose board sits NATION magazine co-owner and editorial director Victor Navasky.

13. In 1999, George Soros' Open Society Institute gave 2 grants, totalling $272,000, to the "Project on Media Ownership."

14. In 1999, George Soros' Open Society Institute gave a $100,000 grant to the Public Media Center in San Francisco.

15. In 1999, George Soros's Open Society Institute gave a $73,730 grant to the dance company of a Pacifica Network News staffperson's domestic partner.

16. In 1999, George Soros' Open Society Institute gave a $50,000 grant to Youth Radio in Berkeley.

17. In 1999, George Soros's Open Society Institute gave 2 grants, totalling $393,000, to the Tides Foundation.

18. George Soros's Open Society Institute recent gave a $102,025 grant to Radio Bilingue.

19. George Soros's Open Society Institute has also apparently been providing funds to subsidize a "parallel left" section of the prisoner solidarity movement. Critical Resistance, the Prison Moratorium Project, the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and The Sentencing Project are all being funded by George Soros's Open Society Institute.

20. In 2001, George Soros's Open Society Institute also gave grants to help subsidize the Jews for Racial and Economic Justice group, the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement group, the Million Mom March group and the Center for Investigative Reporting.

21. After 9/11, George Soros's Open Society Institute gave a $75,000 grant to the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Research Institute, a $250,000 grant to the ACLU and a grant to the LCEF group on whose board Mary Frances Berry used to sit.

Billionaire Soros's War Stock Investments

Like the former Corporation for Public Broadcasting Chairperson who owns a major chunk of the Columbia University-linked Nation magazine, Clinton-Gore Campaign Fundraiser Alan Sagner, the global speculator whose Open Society Institute gave KPFA a $40,000 grant in 1995 has some interesting special economic interests.

In his 1990 book The New Money Masters, John Train has a chapter entitled "George Soros: Global Speculator" in which he indicated how Soros obtained his surplus wealth:

"Soros...has always had partners on the management side, such as Jim Rogers...In 1969, aged 39, he [Soros] ...joined with Jim Rogers to found Quantum Fund... "It is not registered with the the shareholders are foreigners, mostly Europeans...It engages in multidirectional international speculation in commodities, stock, and bonds...Thanks to Rogers, the fund was one of the first to recognize the investment merits of defense stocks." According to The New Money Masters book, Soros's business partner in the 1970s and early 1980s, Jim Rogers, "became the largest outside shareholder of Lockheed in 1974."

As of 1989, the portfolio of Soros Fund Management Equity Holdings included $27 million worth of Boeing stock, $106 million worth of RJR Nabisco tobacco company stock, $3.5 million worth of Lockheed stock, $2.2 million worth of CBS stock, $2.3 million of Time Inc. stock, $12.8 million worth of Warner Communications stock and $6.5 million worth of Wal-Mart stock.

A Senior Fellow at the Soros Foundation's Open Society Institute who is a former president/ceo of Twin Cities Public Television in St. Paul, Minnesota "is aiding the Open Society Institute in considering issues of professionalism in media and related public policy questions," according to the Soros Foundation/Open Society Institute website.


(9) Soros is one of principal investors in Carlyle Group, a defence contractor

George Soros

NS Profile

NEIL CLARK / New Statesman 2jun03

The billionaire trader has become eastern Europe's uncrowned king and the prophet of "the open society". But open to what? George Soros profiled by Neil Clark

George Soros is angry. In common with 90 per cent of the world's population, the Man Who Broke the Bank of England has had enough of President Bush and his foreign policy. In a recent article in the Financial Times, Soros condemned the Bush administration's policies on Iraq as "fundamentally wrong" - based as they were on a "false ideology that US might gave it the right to impose its will on the world".

Wow! Has one of the world's richest men - the archetypal amoral capitalist who made billions out of the Far Eastern currency crash of 1997 and who last year was fined $2m for insider trading by a court in France - seen the light in his old age? (He is 72.) Should we pop the champagne corks and toast his conversion?

Not before asking what really motivates him. Soros likes to portray himself as an outsider, an independent-minded Hungarian emigre and philosopher-pundit who stands detached from the US military-industrial complex. But take a look at the board members of the NGOs he organises and finances. At Human Rights Watch, for example, there is Morton Abramowitz, US assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research from 1985-89, and now a fellow at the interventionist Council on Foreign Relations; ex-ambassador Warren Zimmerman (whose spell in Yugoslavia coincided with the break-up of that country); and Paul Goble, director of communications at the CIA-created Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (which Soros also funds). Soros's International Crisis Group boasts such "independent" luminaries as the former national security advisers Zbigniew Brzezinski and Richard Allen, as well as General Wesley Clark, once Nato supreme allied commander for Europe. The group's vice-chairman is the former congressman Stephen Solarz

Take a look also at Soros's business partners. At the Carlyle Group, where he has invested more than $100m, they include the former secretary of state James Baker and the erstwhile defence secretary Frank Carlucci, George Bush Sr and, until recently, the estranged relatives of Osama Bin Laden. Carlyle, one of the world's largest private equity funds, makes most of its money from its work as a defence contractor.

Soros may not, as some have suggested, be a fully paid-up CIA agent. But that his companies and NGOs are closely wrapped up in US expansionism cannot seriously be doubted.

So why is he so upset with Bush? The answer is simple. Soros is angry not with Bush's aims - of extending Pax Americana and making the world safe for global capitalists like himself - but with the crass and blundering way Bush is going about it. By making US ambitions so clear, the Bush gang has committed the cardinal sin of giving the game away. For years, Soros and his NGOs have gone about their work extending the boundaries of the "free world" so skilfully that hardly anyone noticed. Now a Texan redneck and a gang of overzealous neo-cons have blown it.

As a cultivated and educated man (a degree in philosophy from the London School of Economics, honorary degrees from the Universities of Oxford, Yale, Bologna and Budapest), Soros knows too well that empires perish when they overstep the mark and provoke the formation of counter-alliances. He understands that the Clintonian approach of multilateralism - whereby the US cajoles or bribes but never does anything so crude as to threaten - is the only one that will allow the empire to endure. Bush's policies have led to a divided Europe, Nato in disarray, the genesis of a new Franco-German-Russian alliance and the first meaningful steps towards Arab unity since Nasser.

Soros knows a better way - armed with a few billion dollars, a handful of NGOs and a nod and a wink from the US State Department, it is perfectly possible to topple foreign governments that are bad for business, seize a country's assets, and even to get thanked for your benevolence afterwards. Soros has done it.

The conventional view, shared by many on the left, is that socialism collapsed in eastern Europe because of its systemic weaknesses and the political elite's failure to build popular support. That may be partly true, but Soros's role was crucial. From 1979, he distributed $3m a year to dissidents including Poland's Solidarity movement, Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia and Andrei Sakharov in the Soviet Union. In 1984, he founded his first Open Society Institute in Hungary and pumped millions of dollars into opposition movements and independent media. Ostensibly aimed at building up a "civil society", these initiatives were designed to weaken the existing political structures and pave the way for eastern Europe's eventual colonisation by global capital. Soros now claims, with characteristic immodesty, that he was responsible for the "Americanisation" of eastern Europe.

The Yugoslavs remained stubbornly resistant and repeatedly returned Slobodan Milosevic's unreformed Socialist Party to government. Soros was equal to the challenge. From 1991, his Open Society Institute channelled more than $100m to the coffers of the anti-Milosevic opposition, funding political parties, publishing houses and "independent" media such as Radio B92, the plucky little student radio station of western mythology which was in reality bankrolled by one of the world's richest men on behalf of the world's most powerful nation. With Slobo finally toppled in 2000 in a coup d'etat financed, planned and executed in Washington, all that was left was to cart the ex- Yugoslav leader to the Hague tribunal, co-financed by Soros along with those other custodians of human rights Time Warner Corporation and Disney. He faced charges of crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide, based in the main on the largely anecdotal evidence of (you've guessed it) Human Rights Watch.

Soros stresses his belief in the "open society" propounded by the philosopher Karl Popper, who taught him at the LSE in the early 1950s. Soros's definition of an "open society" - "an imperfect society that holds itself open to improvement" - sounds reasonable enough; few lovers of genuine liberty would take issue with its central tenet that "the open society is a more sophisticated form of social organisation than a totalitarian one". But Soros's "open societies" don't tend to be all that open in practice.

Since the fall of Milosevic, Serbia, under the auspices of Soros-backed "reformers", has become less, not more, free. The recently lifted state of emergency saw more than 4,000 people arrested, many of them without charge, political parties threatened with bans, and critical newspapers closed down. It was condemned by the UN Commission on Human Rights and the British Helsinki Group. But there was not a murmur from the Open Society Institute or from Soros himself. In fairness, Soros has been far more critical of his former protategate Leonid Kuchma, president of the Ukraine, a country described by the former intelligence officer Mykola Melnychenko as "one big protection racket", and now possibly the most repressive police state in Europe.

But generally the sad conclusion is that for all his liberal quoting of Popper, Soros deems a society "open" not if it respects human rights and basic freedoms, but if it is "open" for him and his associates to make money. And, indeed, Soros has made money in every country he has helped to prise "open". In Kosovo, for example, he has invested $50m in an attempt to gain control of the Trepca mine complex, where there are vast reserves of gold, silver, lead and other minerals estimated to be worth in the region of $5bn. He thus copied a pattern he has deployed to great effect over the whole of eastern Europe: of advocating "shock therapy" and "economic reform", then swooping in with his associates to buy valuable state assets at knock-down prices.

More than a decade after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Soros is the uncrowned king of eastern Europe. His Central European University, with campuses in Budapest, Warsaw and Prague and exchange programmes in the US, unashamedly propagates the ethos of neoliberal capitalism and clones the next pro-American generation of political leaders in the region. With his financial stranglehold over political parties, business, educational institutions and the arts, criticism of Soros in mainstream eastern European media is hard to find. Hagiography is not. The Budapest Sun reported in February how he had been made an honorary citizen of Budapest by the mayor, Gabor Demszky. "Few people have done to Budapest what George Soros has," gushed Demszky, saying that the billionaire had contributed to "structural and mental changes in the capital city and Hungary itself". The mayor failed to add that Soros is also a benefactor of Demszky's own party, the Free Democrats, which, governing with "reform" communists, has pursued the c

The Soros strategy for extending Pax Americana differs from the Bush model, particularly in its subtlety. But it is just as ambitious and just as deadly. Left- liberals, admiring his support for some of their favourite issues such as gay rights and the legalisation of soft drugs, let him off lightly.

Asked about the havoc his currency speculation caused to Far Eastern economies in the crash of 1997, Soros replied: "As a market participant, I don't need to be concerned with the consequences of my actions." Strange words from a man who likes to be regarded as the saviour of civil society and who rails in print against "market fundamentalism".

source: 3jun03

(10) Soros gave $ to Solidarity, Charter 77, Sakharov, & the anti-Milosevic opposition

George Soros: - The billionaire trader has become eastern Europe's uncrowned king and the prophet of "the open society". But open to what?

by Neil Clark, New Statesman, June 2, 2003

A review by Karen Talbot

Centre for Research on Globalisation 4jul03 3jul03

George Soros, is known as a Hungarian atemigrate philanthropist, a proponent of human rights and the "open society," and, just incidentally, a financier - one of the richest men in the world. Soros recently criticized George W. Bush saying in an article in the Financial Times of London that his administration's Iraq policies were "fundamentally wrong" and that they are premised on the "false ideology that U.S. might gave it the right to impose its will on the world." Many of us in the peace movement would say: "he got that right!" We might be inclined to praise him and to believe that this confirms that he really is a "do-gooder" - an image, by the way, that he carefully cultivates, especially through various NGOs. In fact numerous non-profit organizations have received funds from his foundation because they have bought into that perception.

But let's take a closer look to see what is motivating Soros. Neil Clark, writing in an incisive article the New Statesman (June 2, 2003), points out that Soros "made billions out of the Eastern currency crash of 1997," and that he was fined last year "for insider trading by a court in France." In fact currency speculation is his modus operandi and if this contradicts his pronouncements against "market fundamentalism" and in favor of "civil society, "well, so be it. In fact, Clark reported that when queried about the turmoil his speculation caused to Far Eastern economies in 1997, Soros replied: "As a market participant, I don't need to be concerned with the consequences of my actions."

But all of this is just the tip of the iceberg. What of the NGOs Soros established and finances? Who are the other leaders of these groups? Clark informs us that at Human Rights Watch, for example, there is Morton Abramowitz, U.S. assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research from 1985-1989` and now a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations; Warren Zimmerman former ambassador "whose spell in Yugoslavia coincided with the break up of that country"; and Paul Goble, director of communications "at the CIA-created Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (which Soros also funds)."

According to Clark, Soros' International Crisis Group "boasts such 'independent' luminaries as the former national security advisers Zbigniew Brzezinki and Richard Allen, as well as General Wesley Clark, once NATO supreme allied commander for Europe. The group's vice-chairman is the former congressman Stephen Solarz, once described as 'the Israel lobby's chief legislative tactician on Capitol Hill' and a signatory, along with the likes of Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, to a notorious letter to President Clinton in 1998 calling for a 'comprehensive political and military strategy for bringing down Saddam and his regime'."

So much for Soros' opposition to Bush's Iraq policies.

There's more! Who are Soros's business partners at the Carlyle Group---one of the world's largest private equity funds, which makes most of this profit from defense contracts? They include the former secretary of state James Baker and Frank Carlucci, former defense secretary, George Bush, Sr, and "until recently, the estranged relatives of Osama Bin Laden." Soros has invested more than $100 million in Carlyle, Clark tells us.

He also points out that "Soros may not, as sometimes suggested, be a fully paid-up CIA agent. But that his corporations and NGOS are closely wrapped up in U.S. expansionism cannot seriously be doubted."

This brings us back to the question; "why has Soros lambasted Bush?" The answer lies in understanding that, more than ever, within the Wall Street power elite there may be differences in tactics but seldom are there significant differences in the end goal---opening the way for the maximization of corporate profits everywhere around the world. Today, there is basically a oneness of purpose in promoting U.S. imperial dominance, and in the process, attempting to solve a deepening global economic crisis by controlling diminishing petroleum and energy resources.

How does this play out where Soros is concerned? As Clark points out, "Soros is angry not at Bush's aims---of expanding Pax Americana and making the world safe for global capitalists like himself - but with the crass and blundering way Bush is going about it. By making U.S. ambitions so clear, the Bush gang has committed the cardinal sin of giving the game away. For years, Soros and his NGOs have gone about their work extending the boundaries of the 'free world' so skillfully that hardly anyone noticed. Now a Texan redneck and a gang of overzealous neo-cons have blown it"

Soros' way is to use a few billion dollars, some NGOs and a "nod and wink from the U.S. State department" to bring down foreign governments that are "bad for business" to seize a nation's assets, and even get thanked for your 'benevolence,' according to Clark. This method has worked for Soros and his cohorts.

Take the collapse of the Soviet Union, for example. Clark points out that "Soros' role was crucial: "From 1979, he distributed $3 million a year to dissidents including Poland's solidarity movement, Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia and Andrei Sakharov in the Soviet Union. In 1984, he founded his first Open Society Institute in Hungary and pumped millions of dollars into opposition movements and independent media. Ostensibly aimed at building up a 'civil society", these initiatives were designed to weaken the existing political structures and pave the way for eastern Europe's eventual exploitation by global capital. Soros now claims with characteristic immodesty, that he was responsible for the "Americanization" of eastern Europe."

More recently, there is the case of Yugoslavia. As Clark puts it:

"The Yugoslavs remained stubbornly resistant and repeatedly returned Slobodan Milosevic's reformed Socialist Party to government. Soros was equal to the challenge. From 1991, his Open Society Institute channeled more than $100 million to the coffers of the anti-Milosevic opposition, funding political parties, publishing houses and""independent" media such as Radio B92, the plucky little student radio station of western mythology, which was in reality bankrolled b one of the world's richest men on behalf of the world's most powerful nation. With Slobo finally toppled in 2000 in a coup d'etat financed, planned and executed in Washington all that was left was to cart the ex Yugoslav leader to the Hague tribunal, co-financed by Soros along with other custodians of human rights, Time Warner Corporation and Disney. He faced charges of crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide, based in the main on the largely anecdotal evidence of (you guessed it) Human Rights Watch."

Clark points out that "since the fall of Milosevic, Serbia, under the auspices of Soros- backed "reformers", has become less, not more, free. The recently lifted state of emergency saw more than 4,000 people arrested, many of them without charge, political parties threatened with bans, and critical newspapers closed down" This has been so blatant that it was condemned by the UN Commission on Human Rights and the British Helsinki Group

"Soros has made money in every country he has helped to prise 'open'. In Kosovo, for example, he has invested $50 million in an attempt to gain control of the Trepca mine complex, where there are vast reserves of gold, silver, lead and other minerals estimated to be worth in the region of $5 billion. He thus copied a pattern he has deployed to great effect over the whole of eastern Europe of advocating 'shocking therapy' and 'economic reform', then swooping in with his associate to buy valuable state assets at knock-down prices," according to Clark.*

In Hungary, Soros is the benefactor of the Free Democrats party "which has pursued the classic Soros agenda of privatization and economic liberalization---leading to a widening gap between rich and poor," says Clark.

"The Soros strategy for extending Pax Americana differs from the Bush model, particularly in its subtlety. But it is just as ambitious and just as deadly," Clark concludes.

Of course, in the case of Yugoslavia, ultimately the Soros approach was not enough so the overwhelming might of the U.S. military was brought into play.*

For background information on the former Yugoslavia, see "The Real Reasons for the War in Yugoslavia: Backing up Globalization with Military Might," by Karen Talbot,


(11) Soros link to Khodorkovsky's Open Russia Foundation

(11.1) Putin warns Russia's business elite

The Age, Melbourne, November 8 2003

By Ron Popeski


President Vladimir Putin, grilled by Western leaders over a legal assault on Russia's top oil firm, has issued a blunt warning to his country's business elite.

Speaking after a Russia-European Union summit, Mr Putin said authorities were watching all those who came into billions of dollars in the chaotic privatisations of the 1990s.

EU officials said Mr Putin had assured them Russian law had been upheld in the arrest of Yukos head Mikhail Khodorkovsky and the freezing by prosecutors of a large stake in the oil giant.

Mr Khodorkovsky, Russia's richest man, is in jail facing charges of fraud and tax evasion.

Critics see the arrest as a Kremlin attempt to punish the billionaire for funding political opposition before parliamentary and presidential elections this year and next.

Mr Putin, standing alongside the summit's host, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and other top EU officials, said: "Our aim is not to go after specific individuals but to establish order in our country. And we will do so in a consistent and tough fashion without regard to whatever attempts these people may make to defend themselves or even resort to blackmail."

Mr Khodorkovsky's arrest has raised fears that Russian justice could call to account other "oligarchs" who acquired state industries in 1990s sell-offs.

Mr Putin said authorities were monitoring the "oligarchs". "People earned billions, I repeat billions, of dollars in the space of five to six years. This would not have been possible in any West European country," he said.

Mr Putin said those reaping fortunes "will spend tens, hundreds of millions to safeguard their billions. We know how the money is being spent - on lawyers, PR agencies, politicians." ...

Mr Khodorkovsky was plucked from an aircraft by security forces on October 25.

- Reuters

(1012) Moscow 'thugs' raid Soros office

The Age, Melbourne, November 8 2003

By Kim Murphy


The Moscow offices of the Soros Foundation were raided early yesterday by dozens of men in camouflage gear and wielding stun guns. They hauled away documents and computer data covering 15 years.

The seizure followed public support by US financier George Soros for jailed Russian billionaire Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

The operation, which began just after midnight, was carried out by private security forces ostensibly hired by a businessman with whom the foundation had been having a legal dispute.

But Soros Foundation officials said they could not rule out a connection to the Yukos Oil case, in which Moscow offices have been raided in recent months by authorities seeking evidence against the oil tycoon.

"I cannot rule out that it is some kind of revenge on the part of some agencies who resort to the use of bandits and thugs for Mr Soros's position and his attitude toward Mr Khodorkovsky," said Yekaterina Geniyeva, director of the Open Society Institute-Soros Foundation in Russia.

Mr Khodorkovsky, Russia's richest oligarch, is under arrest, charged with tax evasion, forgery and fraud in a case that has erupted into the most serious crisis of President Vladimir Putin's administration.

The New York-based Soros Foundation has spent more than $US1 billion ($A1.4 billion) on charitable projects in Russia in the past 15 years. Mr Khodorkovsky had based his own charitable organisation, the Open Russia Foundation, on Mr Soros's institute, and had close links to the US foundation's work in supporting libraries, internet education, community development and the promotion of civil society.

Mr Soros spoke out this week against the arrest, saying: "The crackdown by Mr Putin sends an unmistakeable message that independence of action will not be tolerated." Pressure from the West against a trend toward "state capitalism" could result in "Russia being forced out" of the Group of 8 industrialised nations, he said.

- Los Angeles Times


(12) Soros says there "an Orwellian Truth Machine" in the US

(12.1) George Soros says that there "an Orwellian Truth Machine" in the United States

Mar 03 04 © 2004 Commonwealth Club of California


War, the Press & U.S. Power: Diplomacy and Conflict in the Post-9/11 World

George Soros, Orville Schell

The audio of Orville Schell's conversation with George Soros is available in RealAudio format.

Soros, in the following interview with Charlie Rose, seems to identify with Noam Chomsky. Chomsky is mentioned by Rose, then, a little further on, Soros uses a Chomsky-like expression, "manufacture truth". Chomsky wrote a book named The Manufacture of Consent.

(12.2) Soros likens Bush to Hitler; yet the "Orwellian Truth Machine" is the Jewish-owned or managed media, a fact which neither Soros nor Chomsky ever mention. Further, Bush does the bidding of the Zionists.

CFR Publications: The Bubble of American Supremacy

... Speaker: George Soros, chairman, Soros Fund Management; author, "The Bubble of American Supremacy: Correcting the Misuse of American Power" Moderator: Charlie Rose, executive producer and host, "The Charlie Rose Show"

Council on Foreign Relations New York, New York Wednesday, February 18, 2004

... ROSE: But there was a lot of debate about it, a lot of--I had a lot of people like you on my program who were fiercely opposed to the war--I mean, everybody from you over to [Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor] Noam Chomsky.

SOROS: Yeah, but when you followed the war reporting in Iraq on Fox Television and Sky News in England--

ROSE: Both owned by the same person.

SOROS: -- and how different their coverage was--it really quite remarkable. So actually this -- I mean, there is an Orwellian truth machine operating now, and I find it perplexing that when [George] Orwell in "1984" described the Ministry of Truth, the Ministry of Truth controlled all the media, and this was based on the experience in Nazi Germany and communist Soviet Union. So it's not the same situation. It's not comparable. But there is still this ability to manufacture truth. And I find it puzzling, and don't have the answer to it.

ROSE: That's in fact how you got in trouble, because some people said that you were trying to compare the Bush administration to Hitler when you made that point.

SOROS: That's correct, yes. But of course that's exactly the differences that we do have, that democracy and pluralistic media. And yet it's possible to manufacture truth.


The "Asia Crisis" was unleashed soon after ASEAN decided to admit Burma; George Soros and Madeline Albright had been trying to get ASEAN to reject Burma: asia-crisis.html.

Kinhide Mushakoji on Japan's secret co-prosperity sphere: mushakoji.html.

Soros the Good Guy? Soros the philosopher of the Open Society, opposing Capitalism? soros2.html.

The differences between Karl Popper and Arnold Toynbee over the interpretation of Karl Marx's philosophy. Should Karl Marx be viewed as a social scientist, or as the prophet of a religion? Did the Totaliarianism of the Soviet Union derive from Plato's Republic, or from Judaism? popper-vs-toynbee.html.

Fallibilism as a theory of knowledge; Falsifiability as a criterion for dismissing theories: perspectivism.html.

Write to me at contact.html.